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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />August 20, 2002 <br />Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. <br />Mayor Hunt pleased with the professional nature of the budget document. <br />The following council members were in attendance: Mayor Hunt, Charles Siedow, Susan <br />Dunn, Rose Armstrong, Steven DeLapp. <br />The following staff members were in attendance: Abigail Grenfell (Finance Director), <br />Mary Kueffner (City Administrator), Charles Dillerud (City Planner/Assistant City <br />Administrator), Tom Bouthilet (Building dept). <br />The Finance Director thanked the Council for input during the budget preparation. She <br />views the budget document as the City's annual report, outlining activities done during <br />2002 and anticipated activities for 2003. There has been a lot of intensive work put into <br />the document preparation to provide a historical perspective from past years, all during <br />the time when the City Administrator is trying to complete the record retention project. <br />The first draft does not have complete figures yet. The approach was to include the <br />easiest and most solid numbers first, those being the expenditures. The salary and benefit <br />figures were the easiest to calculate given the new computer system. The administration, <br />mayor and council, building inspection, assessor, law enforcement portions of the budget <br />are presented. Performance measures were included where available. Breakdowns of law <br />enforcement costs also included. <br />The Capital Improvement Program portion of the budget has been outlined and a draft <br />enclosed with the budget documents. The staff will be following a similar format to <br />Washington County's CIP. This format lists the projects, the different funding sources <br />and also provides an explanation of the project. <br />The Finance Director plans to meet with the Parks, Public Works, and Fire departments to <br />complete a draft of their budgets and CIP requests. <br />Parks Department will be featured on cover of budget document since they have <br />accomplished so much for the City during the last year. The department uses a lot of <br />recycled materials and works very hard at cooperative efforts for improving the park <br />areas. <br />Mayor Hunt asked if the council wanted to review the budget section by section and <br />provide some general guidance. <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />