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08-20-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-20-02 CCM
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Council Member DeLapp raised a question on mobile home taxes and the difference <br />between manufactured houses and mobile home. Mayor Hunt responded that the mobile <br />home is personal property, Administrator Kueffher responded that prehab homes are <br />permanent. The Finance Director responded that the Dept. of Revenue breaks the <br />revenue down on their report. <br />The Finance Director will separate out the utility permits. We have new building <br />revenue/expenditure reporting requirements for the State and the budget will have to be <br />modified to accommodate this requirement. <br />Planner Dillerud offered that we do not want to simply use 2001 housing starts to predict <br />2003. He also reiterated the new legislation that requires us to report building revenues <br />and expenditures rather than using those revenues to balance the general budget. <br />The Finance Director mentioned that the department heads will be reviewing how the <br />staff is allocated to the different departments. Are they correctly allocated? Are we <br />capitalizing as much as is possible for actual work being done in the building and <br />planning areas and charging the salaries accordingly. She also mentioned that we need to <br />include overhead costs in the 2003 budget for all departments. <br />The Finance Director mentioned that the next draft of the budget would include the 2002 <br />actual numbers so the council could see where the actual spending levels were currently <br />at. <br />Council member DeLapp inquired about contractor licenses. Mr. Bouthliet responded <br />that the City does still charge contractors to work within the City to perform certain <br />services, such as heating. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired about water sales of $55,000. She would like these <br />water sales broken into three categories: I-94, Lake Jane, and Old Village. The Finance <br />Director responded that she will include this in the enterprise fund portion of the budget if <br />the payments can be broken into these categories. <br />The Finance Director mentioned she will calculate interest on investments soon too. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired about the transfers in and out of the fund accounts. <br />The Finance Director responded that she will have to trace where the transfers have taken <br />place. <br />The discussion moved from revenues to expenditures. <br />Council member Siedow inquired about the Mayor and Council "conferences and <br />training" line item. Administrator Kueffner stated that this is for training of newly <br />elected members. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />
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