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08-20-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-20-02 CCM
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The Finance Director asked if the council wanted any adjustments in their salary. <br />Administrator Kueffner added that this was the opportunity for the council to increase <br />their salary and it needs to be done before the election. <br />Motion by DeLapp, second by Dunn, to keep the council salary levels the same. Motion <br />passed 5-0. <br />Council member Siedow inquired of the medical benefits. He stated that other businesses <br />do not pay all of these costs. Council member DeLapp said he does not know whether or <br />not the City's benefits are comparable and requested the Finance Director gather more <br />information. Mayor Hunt mentioned that the City uses the Stanton report for salaries and <br />we should do benefits against Stanton to see if that is what we should be doing. Costs are <br />clearly going up and we should be sure we are being fair to our employees compared to <br />other cities. The Finance Director mentioned she looked at actual premiums for each <br />employee and their dependents and allocated it out to the different funds. She also <br />mentioned that errors were found in the 2002 budget allocation for benefits. Health <br />insurance went up 14.3% which was good because we participate in a pool. The estimate <br />for dental insurance was 5% because those rate increases were not provided yet. <br />The Finance Director will complete compensation/benefit analysis compared with other <br />cities, Washington and Ramsey counties, and the State and provide this information back <br />to the council as well as other options with cost sharing and "buy up" options at the <br />employee cost. We need to renew our current insurance and can change our policy <br />without penalty during the year. The Finance Director mentioned we need to look at <br />fiscal impact to the computer system to accommodate options. <br />Mayor Hunt stated we need to look at overall compensation and benefits and make sure <br />we are not out of line on our package and that all employees are treated fairly. <br />Mayor Hunt mentioned the reintroduction of the Finance Committee to try and take some <br />of the burden off of the staff and to help with policy issues. <br />Council member DeLapp incurred about newsletter and postage costs. Administrator <br />Kueffner responded that she has looked at 6 month costs and the cost for postage has <br />gone up with volume and rates. <br />Council member Siedow inquired about the increase in the Finance Department budget. <br />The Finance Director responded that this figure included the proposed part time position <br />and that insurance benefits are changed based on who is allocated to the department's <br />budget. <br />Mayor Hunt and Council member Siedow would like to see a several year spread. <br />Comparisons between years can be difficult because of change in accounting practices <br />and the way salaries have been allocated in the past. The Finance Director will look at <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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