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Speech to the Lake Elmo City Council, 9/17/02 <br />Re: Response to Met Council rejection of LE Comp Plan <br />Very briefly, I urge you to fight the Met Council with everything we have. I urge you <br />to hire the best zoning lawyer you can find. I urge you to mount an educational: <br />campaign aimed at informing Lake Elmo's residents about the long term <br />consequences of our losing the fight. I urge yqt to mount a public relations campaign <br /> publicizing Lake Elmo's desim for" self-determination and exposing the Met <br />Council's obvious favoringof developers. I urge you to mount a lobbying cam 4i n <br />p g Y Y� g pa g <br />with the State Legislature aimed at exposing this abuse of power by the Met Council <br />and raising the legitimate question as to whether this abuse is what the Legislature <br />had in mind when it established this non -representative board. I urge you to contact <br />the newly elected governor, whoever that may be, and lobby to get Met Council <br />members appointed who are sympathetic to our interests, rather than to developers. <br />Finally, I urge you to have a non -binding, advisory referendum in November's <br />election, asking the Lake Elmo residents whether or not they want you to raise our <br />taxes for a limited time in order to pay for this fight..ObAviously, this is similar to:I}.}r-" ' <br />situation in 1988 when we voted to raise out tal es to fund the fight againstal " <br />landfill in the Regional Park Reserve, which referendum passed by a 4:1 majority, <br />you may recall. <br />There is an argument to be made for trying to compromise with the Met Council, <br />such as agreeing to extend the MUSA line along I-94 in exchange for revising the <br />Metropolitan Development Framework to show no MUSA extension anywhere else <br />in the City. The problem with such a compromise is that such a Framework revision <br />may not last long. Once the sewer is in along I-94, it will never be removed. But as <br />