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09-17-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-17-02 CCM
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long as we have unsewered land in the City, the Met Council can always plan to <br />extend the MUSA later. Just as future City Councils are not bound by decisions made <br />by you today, future Met Councils are not bound by decisions made by the current <br />board. Thus, on balance, I would rather fight to have it decided by the courts now <br />whether or not Lake Elmo has the right to self-determination in this matter. <br />Finally, some may claim I am just trying to hang onto the past; that we should just <br />bow to the inevitable and accept our future as having sewer over large parts of our <br />City. At the risk of being overly dramatic, I respond by asking about the current war <br />on terrorism. Are we as a nation just hanging onto the past in fighting terrorists? Why <br />not bow to the inevitable and accept our future as being no better than the current <br />mess in Israel and the West Bank? The answer is that our nation's freedom and a <br />future free from the tyranny of terrorism are worth fighting for.In the same way, our <br />City's freedom of self-determination and a future free from the tyranny.of the Metro <br />Council are worth fighting for. It is possible that future residents and City Councils <br />may decide to extend the MUSA line into large areas of our City, although I most <br />earnestly hope not. But at least it will be our decision. <br />Now is not the time for the Council to be timid and accommodating. This is the time <br />for the City Council, our elected representatives, to lead the way. This is the time for <br />you to show that Lake Elmo's future is up to Lake Elmo, not up to the Metro Council. <br />If you lead, I am confident the great majority of Lake Elmo residents will follow. <br />Thank you for listening and thank you for your leadership. <br />
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