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Council member Siedow said he opposed annexation, but he was sympathetic with the <br />landowners and hopes the City will work with them further toward a compromise. He <br />could understand where the people are on our borders wanting more development rights <br />for their property because of the financial benefits. Siedow said he would like to see the <br />City lighten up the zoning ordinances to get our borders developed at a high density rate <br />than what we normally allow. <br />OPH Council member Jack Doerr agreed that the annexation proposal should be rejected <br />if not supported unanimously. He wouldn't agree to anything that we're going to have to <br />go into court and fight for. He would not support a joint powers agreement in which <br />OPH would extend sewer or water service into a revised development in Lake Elmo. <br />Mayor Hunt responded he thought there is certainly some potential future cooperation on <br />this parcel, but a joint powers agreement can go south quickly if e officials that author <br />them are unseated in ensuring election.,,,,,,, <br />Mayor Hunt applauded the City of Oak Park Heights for faking tim4• come down to <br />talk to Lake Elmo and listen and explain where they are coming from. <br />Adjourn workshop a 5:30 p.m. <br />