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hours the mower is used per year for mowing ditches. The mowing occurs in <br />undeveloped and developed areas. Mr. Bouthilet mentioned that the vegetation is good <br />for water control. Council member Siedow stated if people are not cutting their grass, the <br />City shouldn't be doing it. The Mayor mentioned we made need a policy to charge for <br />this service. The Finance Director informed the council that the piece of equipment is <br />used an average of 250 hours per year. Mr. Bouthilet was asked to provide the mowing <br />hours per year to the Finance Director to report at the next council meeting. Mr. <br />Bouthilet mentioned that we also need to start looking at other maintenance costs, like <br />tree cutting with the additional development. He is working with the City Planner on this <br />issue. The Mayor mentioned that if they were looking for someone to work between <br />public works and parks, to let the City Council know. The Mayor also would like the <br />MAC to look at the equipment issues in the CIP. <br />The next item discussed was the water line locator. Currently, the City is paying the <br />engineering fine to do the locating. Council member DeLapp asked the Finance Director <br />to change the funding source to the water enterprise fund. <br />The Mayor inquired if the dump truck and backhoe were still reasonable. Mr. Bouthilet <br />responded yes, and that they should be reevaluated before purchase. The Mayor also <br />suggested the MAC review these equipment requests. <br />Parks <br />Sprinklers at the VFW Park were previously discussed and are approved. The tennis <br />courts at Pebble Park are approved. The Mayor mentioned the City is in good shape for <br />parks capital improvement funding. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired about the 20th Street Trail. The Finance Director <br />mentioned we do not have a feasibility report on this project yet, the cost figure is <br />speculative. She also added that she spoke with Mr. Bouthilet and the Parks Commission <br />about alternative sources of funding. Council member Armstrong suggested a <br />cooperative agreement and cost sharing with 3M. Mr. Bouthilet mentioned he has spoken <br />with a representative from 3M and they are aware of the need for a trail. The Mayor <br />mentioned we at least need to get a feasibility study before we can begin discussions with <br />3M. The Mayor asked if we could get a quote from TKDA for the feasibility study. <br />Mr. Bouthilet mentioned he had prior discussions with the City Engineer and he had <br />mentioned the road would be done in a few years and talked about combining it. The <br />Parks Commission is very concerned with health, safety and welfare and have this as their <br />highest priority. The Finance Director mentioned to road is on the CIP for 2007 and is <br />dependent upon MSA funding. <br />The Finance Director recommended we also get a second quote from Howard R. Green <br />company, a firm the City has used previously for other projects. This would free up our <br />City Engineer for other projects. The Finance Director also mentioned that there are <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />