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09-24-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-24-02 CCM
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some other sources of funding, such as grants and committed to the Parks Commission to <br />look at optional funding. The City Planner will secure a cost estimate for the feasibility <br />study from TKDA and the Finance Director will secure a cost estimate from Howard R. <br />Green and report back to the Council. The Finance Director also mentioned that she <br />requested the Sheriff s Department place the radar car on 20`h Street for two days, which <br />they have done, and we should have some information back on the speed levels. <br />Council member DeLapp mentioned that the traffic that would use the trail are primarily <br />3M employees, and inquired about the number of years payback on the tax rates 3M pays. <br />He is not concerned with the cost level for the project given the taxes paid by 3M. <br />Council member Armstrong suggested we look at moving the trail to the other side of the <br />roadway. The Mayor and City Administrator discussed the City's attempt to lower the <br />speed limit to 30 mph after a serious accident and are concerned with the safet� issues. <br />The City Administrator mentioned the shoulders are not even paved out on 20` Street and <br />the issued was raised by residents after the road was reconstructed. <br />The Mayor said we should look at going from 17 to 15. Mr. Bouthilet mentioned that the <br />Parks Commission is using the 1993 trail plan as a starting point to do a comprehensive <br />trail plan for the whole city. The City Planner said the 20`h Street may not come out as <br />the highest priority. Council member DeLapp mentioned that if there are a lot of <br />businesses added on 17 and it is already unsafe, the additional traffic will only add to the <br />issues. <br />There was further discussion about incorporating the trail with the road reconstruction. <br />Mr. Bouthilet will take the issue back to the Parks Commission and let them know it will <br />be considered with the comprehensive trail plan and the roadway. <br />The Mayor mentioned he had received a letter on the remill and grading of Sunfish Lake <br />driveways. This request is okay. The remaining requests will be dependent upon <br />funding. Council member DeLapp mentioned we need to check use on the Pebble Park <br />tennis courts because they are used so infrequently. The Finance Director mentioned the <br />Pebble Park equipment and it is okay since it has been on the schedule for a long time. <br />Council member DeLapp mentioned the staff needs to look at needs for Carriage Station. <br />There are a lot of children in the development, the nearest park is over 1 mile away and <br />the only way to get to the park is via Highway 5. <br />The Mayor mentioned the Cushman truck was bought used and the City has used it for 7 <br />years. The age of the truck is 11 years. Mr. Bouthilet mentioned they have looked at the <br />equipment. The mower/trailer has been pushed back on the CIP for several years and has <br />been repaired several times. The MAC will review the equipment requests for Parks and <br />each purchase will be reviewed for funding, leasing options etc. as they come up on the <br />plan. <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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