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Streets <br />The Finance Director deferred the street discussion to the City Planner, with the <br />exception of the financing. The City Planner informed the council that he met with the <br />City Engineer to put together a comprehensive street improvement program, useful life <br />and when they should be rebuilt. The CIP outlines what the needs really are. He also <br />mentioned that he camlot address the specific needs for any street, that this has been <br />addressed by the City Engineer and public works department. The narrative addresses <br />when the street was last done, etc. The Mayor mentioned that most of the road <br />improvements are inexpensive. The City Planner pointed out that there is a lot of overlay <br />work proposed and that this is a maintenance issue to maintain the life expectancy of the <br />roadway. If the seal coating and overlays are timely, the reconstruction will come much 1 <br />later. He also mentioned that the streets now are being built at 9 ton and the former roads <br />were not. Council member Siedow wanted to clarify that the staff is proposing to <br />reconstruct roads to the 9 ton standard. The City Plainer confirmed that is what is being <br />recommended on the reconstruction projects where the subsoils will allow it. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired if Hill Street Trail could be reconstructed to 9 ton. <br />The City Planner responded that they may or may not be able to based on the subsoils. <br />Council member DeLapp stated that the road has been unattended for almost 40 years and <br />the traffic volumes are very low. The City Planner said that the road has been patched <br />many time. Council member DeLapp stated that if the roadway has been there for so long <br />and the residents don't want it redone, it can't be that bad. The City Planner said that <br />they looked at an overlay and it was not done that now it is too late. The Mayor also <br />added that the City Engineer said that an overlay may not last and would not address the <br />drainage issues. <br />Council member DeLapp said Hill Trail will be an issue with the residents since they <br />didn't want an overlay and now it is a reconstruction issue with significantly more <br />expense for the City. The Mayor stated that the road relocation needed to be addressed <br />and that the City needs to do something in 2003. The Mayor mentioned the division of <br />costs between assessment and city revenue. The Finance Director mentioned that the CIP <br />will be going to public hearing before the Planning Commission on October 17, 2002 and <br />suggested the proposed funding source amounts be removed and changed to "TBD" (to <br />be determined) because the City is reviewing the current assessment policy. Hill Trail is <br />known to have soil problems underneath. Council member DeLapp mentioned the age of <br />the roadway again. The Finance Director pointed out that she comes from a city in its 7rn <br />year of reconstruction projects and they left the oldest roads until last, the average age <br />being 40 years. The Mayor mentioned the draft assessment letter sent to the Finance <br />Committee, for the Hill Trail residents. The Finance Director stated it will be in the <br />October 1, 2002 council packet. Council member DeLapp inquired about the number of <br />residents. The Finance Director responded there are 51 property owners that will receive <br />the assessment policy letter. <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />