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1. AGENDA <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to approve the October 1, 2002 City Council agenda, as <br />amended. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: September 6, 2002 BUDGET WORKSHOP: <br />September 17 Workshop August 20, 2002 <br />September 17 Council September 12, 2002 <br />September 24, 2002 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to approve the September 6, 2002 Emergency Meeting <br />Minutes, as amended. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp — to approve the September 17, 2002 Council Workshop minutes, <br />as presented. (Motion passed 3-0-1:Abstain: Dunn). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to approve the September 17, 2002 Council Minutes, as <br />amended. (Motion passed 3-0-1:Abstain: Dunn). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to approve the Budget Workshops, dated August 20, 2002, <br />September 12, 2002, September 24, 2002, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />3. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />B. Discussion on ATV Use, John Hunt-DNR, Washington County Sheriff <br />Dept. <br />John Hunt, DNR Conservation Officer reviewed Minnesota's safety laws, rules and <br />regulations for recreational motor vehicles. Recreational motor vehicles include all - <br />terrain vehicles, off -highway motorcycles and off -road vehicles. Mr. Hunt provided the <br />City with copies of the 2002-03 Recreational Motor Vehicles Regulations and will supply <br />a synopsis of these regulations for the Newsletter and the website. <br />4. FINANCE: <br />A. Resolution 2002-096 Certifying Unpaid Municipal Utility Charges to <br />County Auditor <br />The Finance Director reported MN Statues 444.075, subd. 3 provides the ability for a <br />municipality to certify unpaid utility charges to the county auditor for collection with <br />property taxes. A list of property owners with delinquent utility accounts in excess of <br />120 days was provided. The Council has previously adopted a resolution that established <br />a fee schedule for delinquent accounts at a rate of eight percent (8%) interest or a charge <br />of $25.00, whichever is greater. This fee will also be certified to the County Auditor with <br />the delinquent charges. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 2002-096, A Resolution authorizing <br />certification to the Washington County auditor for unpaid utility charges as outlined in <br />Exhibit A, together with the appropriate interest rate or charges. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2002 2 <br />