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Council Member DeLapp: <br />Steve asked if this was an implication in that his campaign manager had told this person <br />(Dean), and therefore, he (Steve) had known about missing funds. Steve said he had <br />listened to some of the tapes, and one of the tapes showed a City employee saying to the <br />sheriff that she knew about this so called rumor. Steve noted that Mr. Johnston said he <br />did not spread a rumor, but he preceded his comments by saying he told the City <br />administrator about it and chose not to give any source. <br />Steve explained that one of the other members of the staff (Kim) indicated that she heard <br />from someone, who had some association with a bar and didn't know she worked for City <br />Hall, but supposedly knew Steve well and claimed that he routinely spread rumors all <br />over town, came up with a $40,000 accusation that the City Administrator had embezzled <br />some money. Steve added, curiously enough, this person knew this 4 or 5 days before <br />Chuck Siedow brought it up, which she stated on the tape to the Sheriff. Steve stated it <br />seemed the only people that knew about this rumor were the staff members. He said that <br />Sharon, recording secretary, indicated to him at a Council meeting that she knew <br />something, and two other people, Kim and someone else, knew about it. Shortly after, <br />Steve said Abby came back to him and said, "My God, Steve; he accused me of <br />embezzling $40,000." Steve answered, "What?" <br />In his deposition with Sgt. Kurtz, Steve said he was asked what he lmew about this <br />embezzlement. Steve answered that he thought the rumor was Abby Grenfell had <br />embezzled the money. Steve said so here I am supposedly spreading a rumor to someone <br />I don't even know, about something that is exactly the opposite of what I heard four days <br />later. <br />Steve stated Mr. Johnston is trying to play by the book on this. Steve said he showed <br />Dean a flyer that came out ... a last minute drop damning him for the mayor's race. It <br />turns out that Mr. Johnston knew about this because he had brought this same piece to the <br />City earlier in the day. <br />Dean Johnston responded, "That is inaccurate, untrue. Wrong again." Dean stated the <br />only time that he repeated that information was when he told Mary Kueffner. He said he <br />had no responsibility or any involvement beyond that. He said the only flyer he brought <br />to City Hall was what he considered a smear sheet that endorsed the Mayor, DeLapp and <br />Schneider. Dean said he had nothing to do with that. <br />Council member Armstrong: <br />Rose said she talked to Steve's campaign manager, and she thought she (campaign <br />manager) should have a chance to say what she knows. Rose thought it was really unfair <br />for Dean to bring her (manager) up without her being in attendance. Dean Johnston <br />responded that Rose brought it up without his being in attendance. Armstrong explained <br />she brought this up because Dean Johnston stated he concentrated on running a positive <br />campaign, but sent out a sheet against Steve on assessments for Hill Trail. On one final <br />thought, she hoped that his position on the City Council will allow Dean to be <br />enlightened as to what goes on with City staff and that she hoped that he uses this wisely. <br />LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 2002 <br />