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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 10 <br />meeting. Rep. Lipman introduced a new bill to replace the old bill about safety improvements to <br />Highway 5 to increase requested funds to $800,000. (Dunn- Fairgrounds might want the public <br />forum to be held there. The Administrator will tell that to Rick Arnebeck.) <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Councilmember DeLapp asked about the Met Council. He asked the Acting Administrator to say <br />something to clear up what the newspapers wrote. <br />The Acting Administrator said the matter before the administrative law judge was to determine if <br />Met Council and its decision on the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan was rendered appropriately <br />based upon facts in the case. This was an administrative law judge. It is not the same as a regular <br />court of law. His decision was 26 pages long, essentially saying the Met Council did what they are <br />authorized to do under the law. The response takes the form of a recommendation to the Met <br />Council board. It is not final. Beginning tomorrow, they have 30 days to consider what the law <br />judge said, what our response will be, and to decide whether to finalize their decision of last fall. <br />Of the Met Council members that were reappointed, several voted with us last fall. There will be a <br />meeting with our attorneys in a closed session to discuss the decision in detail and to discuss what <br />the strategies might be. City Attorney Filla said that meeting will be held April 8. <br />Councilmember Dunn said she attended a baseball fundraiser that featured the sale of Krispy <br />Kreme Donuts. She received an e-mail from The Ziertmans about the Animal Ordinance. Maybe <br />we could get that back on the agenda next month. <br />Adjourn 9:32 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />IZimberly Schaffel <br />Recording Secretary <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 10 <br />