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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 <br />City Attorney Filla asked the justification for five times the rate. If it is only to generate more <br />revenue there is a legal problem. Utilities can have replacement costs anticipated in rates but five <br />times some other commercial rate needs more study. <br />Councilmember DeLapp asked why council voted for it in the first place. The Acting <br />Administrator said they were nervous about keeping the Water Fund. We have raised connection <br />fees and are okay with it. <br />Councilmember DeLapp wondered if the justification was for sprinkler service. It costs the city <br />money waiting for that eventuality. The Acting Administrator said maybe it was justified then but <br />they are equally justified to abandon it now. <br />M/S/P, JOHNSTON/SIEDOW, to adopt Resolution No. 2003-026 for the Water Fund Rate <br />Recommendation, using the option that includes the fee structure that includes $21.00 minimum for <br />Eagle Point. VOTE: 4:0. (Dunn -make sure there is enough put away in case something happens. <br />Thinks it is too large a down -size at once. Siedow agreed. ) The Acting Administrator <br />recommended its review annually. If we did not have a sizable amount in the Water Enterprise <br />Fund he would not recommend it. <br />Consultant Proposals <br />Two zoning firms were interviewed. TKDA was asked to provide additional information. A letter <br />from TKDA was just received and distributed to the council. MFRA sent an e-mail. The city is <br />asking for a sophisticated zoning ordinance. The Acting Administrator was not particularly <br />impressed by either firm's experience with Performance Zoning. We might customize a contract to <br />meet our needs. Neither of these firms truly meets our needs. It will cost more if they need <br />assistance for Performance Zoning, etc. The options are to choose one, solicit again, or select one <br />and customize with outside assistance. <br />Acting Mayor Johnston said he would rather see that decision made when Mayor Hunt is present. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said that potentially this ordinance can affect 3,000 households, and it <br />could be a great savings to us if it is written well. <br />M/S/P, DeLAPP/JOHNSTON, to table until the next meeting. VOTE: 4:0. The council directed <br />staff to prepare more information. <br />Personnel <br />A Confidential Memo was distributed by the Acting Administrator. Two employees have been on <br />paid administrative leave since March 12 based on e-mail between the two employees. He has <br />conducted an investigation, analysis, and report regarding the e-mail. Washington County found no <br />evidence of criminal action involved. The subject e-mail was probably not sent by the electronic <br />signatory. The Acting Public Works Superintendent will be reinstated tomorrow morning. The <br />Acting City Administrator will advise all employees to log off their domains. <br />MISM, Dunn/Johnston, to return M. Bouthilet to active employee status. VOTE: 4:0. <br />The next meeting date will be Thursday March 27, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. The Acting Administrator is <br />anticipating putting another personnel matter on the Agenda. The individual will be notified and <br />can make it an open or closed meeting at that time. It seems to be a disciplinary matter based on <br />the evidence he has. <br />Highway 5 Report <br />Rick Arnebeck from Mn/DOT has presented signed recommendations from Mn/DOT. They <br />discussed the need for and structure of a public forum. He advised Mn/DOT that the City Council <br />thinks it is needed. He preferred it should take place at Stillwater H.S. Mn/DOT will set up that <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 <br />
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