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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL (MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 3lJl M/S/P, DeLAPP/DN, to adopt Resolution No. 2003-018 approving claims in the amount of <br />$60,244.17. VOTE: 4:0. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />None <br />7. MAINTENANCE,/PARK/FIItE/BUILDING <br />Fire Dept Activities - Chief Malmquist was not in attendance. <br />Update on Building Dept. Activities - Jim McNamara <br />The Building Official presented his February Report which has a different look from past months. <br />It has a revised format to show where funds are allocated. The Acting Finance Director and the <br />Building Official worked on that together. <br />There were a few complaints in the last week or so; a few signs were down, vehicles illegally <br />parked for long periods of time were ordered removed, and silt fencing drooping or coming down <br />were ordered to be taken down and repaired. He is talking to contractors again about the <br />importance of maintaining their silt fences. <br />There have been a lot of problems with septic systems freezing. He had a couple of classes at <br />January -end that dealt with the problem. The only thing that can be done is to get tanks pumped <br />until they correct themselves. Frost got into drainfield areas with deep penetration. When those <br />pumps came on or gravity took hold, they were blowing out in other areas. Frost is deep; it is still <br />at 6-12 inches. One communal system had a problem. It was a 201 system. The users of that <br />system were told they could be reimbursed from the 201 Maintenance Fund if they need pumping. <br />Council asked if our newer communal systems have those problems. The Building Official said he <br />would be surprised if those large systems had such problems. Councilmember DeLapp suggested <br />homeowners add a couple of inches of Styrofoam on the pipes when installing a new system. The <br />Acting Administrator said he may suggest that new mound systems have something like that to <br />protect them from freezing. <br />Maintenance Advisory Recommendations — Cell Phones/Walkie-Talkies <br />The Acting Public Works Superintendent/Parks Supervisor has worked with the Building Official <br />and Acting Administrator to augment the existing radio system. Nextel phones are both phones and <br />walkie-talkies; they have a private and public line function. Mike Bouthilet presented the request to <br />the Maintenance Advisory Commission. They recommend the city acquire the Nextel cell <br />phones/walkie-talkies for the Building Official, one for Parks, two for Public Works, and one for <br />city hall. <br />The Acting Administrator noted some reservations about the cell phone portion because those <br />numbers sometimes are given to outsiders and because of accountability for billing purposes. He <br />would be willing to support it now because staff and the MAC think it is worth trying. We can <br />review it in one year. Capital cost would be about $500 and the monthly cost would be $200. The <br />overall utility will be better. There are no budgetary line items for it but it can be taken from <br />budgets within departments. <br />George Dege, Maintenance Advisory Commissioner <br />MAC looked at the new cell phones/walkie-talkies as a safety factor. When you get out of your <br />vehicle and get hurt, nobody knows you are hurt. Working with the chippers, at the well station, on <br />the trails in the parks, there is no way to contact anyone because only the vehicles have the radios. <br />Having one in the office and one with the Building Inspector offers double use. Abuse of cell <br />phones will have to be looked at in the future. It will be easy to monitor with the few that will be <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18. 2003 3 <br />
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