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03-27-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-27-03 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVED: APRIL 15, 2003 <br />1 � <br />using them. Pagers do„'t work Well. Rick Gustafson has received pages, run into the office to find <br />he was wanted at the other end of town. <br />He reminded the council that the city is down to one employee in Public Works who is not a <br />manager. Dan Olinger will get a pass to work part time in a few weeks. That will give the city the <br />go-between that is needed to buy this and move that. <br />The Acting Administrator suggested that staffing be handled by staff and council <br />M/S/P, DUNN/DeLAPP, to accept the recommendation of the Maintenance Advisory Commission <br />to purchase the Nextel cell phones/walkie-talkies and to review their performance in one year. <br />VOTE: 4:0. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />Resolution No. 2003-019 Partial Payment #9 for Well Pump House No. 2 to EnComm <br />Midwest, LLC. <br />The City Engineer reported that the interior work is done, and landscaping will get done in spring at <br />Well Pump House No. 2. He recommended lowering the escrow to 2%. <br />M/S/P, DUNN/DeLAPP, to adopt Resolution 2003-019 releasing Partial Payment #9 for Well <br />Pump House No. 2 to EnComm Midwest, LLC. VOTE: 4:0. <br />Resolution No. 2003-020 Final Payment to Keys Well Drilling for Well No. 3. <br />The City Engineer reported that the well on Hudson Boulevard is complete. The city saved money <br />under the bid. <br />M/S/P, DeLAPP/SIEDOW, to adopt Resolution 2003-020 releasing Final Payment to Keys Well <br />Drilling for Well No. 3. VOTE: 4:0. <br />Resolutions No. 2003-021 through 2003-025 New State Aid Routes. <br />The City Engineer said that every few years we accumulate additional miles in our state aid routes. <br />As we gain more street miles, we get an additional MSA `needs and funding.' We have 2.5 miles <br />we should declare as state aid routes. There is specific criteria to be met, they must be collectors or <br />higher. <br />The first is a section on 50°i Street. It is our last gravel road that is not a dead end. It is traveled <br />only several hundred vehicles per day. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said this is a new formula for state aid roads. He asked if there was a way <br />to transfer this money to a bigger road instead of paving this little road in a rural area. <br />The next route is 391h Street from Highway 17 to Highway 5 and 38`h Street from Highway 17 to <br />Laverne Avenue. He works to determine if the road system will be able to accommodate the traffic <br />that may be coming soon. There may be upgrades that can be done. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said he did not want to have a minor aspect of a development control what <br />a road will look like. Councilmember Dunn said that if a road has been there 20 years and needs to <br />be torn out, we should do it if a new development is coming in. It will cost us less in the long term. <br />She explained that the city can change a road's designation and put the money somewhere else. <br />The City Engineer agreed that the city can change around these designations as long as they haven't <br />spent money on the road in question. <br />The City Engineer also looked at Hudson between Highways 15 and 17 as fitting the mileage the <br />city needed to use up. It was just paved and re -shouldered this summer. The Engineer said it was <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 18, 2003 4 <br />
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