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Attorney Sivertson continued stating what Mr. Dillerud is doing is a further act of <br />retaliation against Mr. Buckles. This is a situation of a very responsible city employee <br />who has pointed out serious problems within the city. Instead of the City viewing these <br />problems, they are now trying to -silence the person that brought up the problems. What it <br />really comes down to is the question of credibility. Mary Kueffner is no longer working <br />as a City Administrator because she is incompetent supported by the study done reporting <br />serious deficiencies. Now, we have a situation with the acting administrator coming <br />before you asking for Mr. Buckles' termination. Mr. Sivertson said he was going to <br />challenge the credibility of Mr. Dillerud in his position in making that recommendation. <br />Mayor Hunt asked the City Attorney if this is a reasonable line of discussion concerning <br />what is on the table before us. <br />City Attorney Miller responded that he was not sure how the credibility of Mr. Dillerud <br />was going to be challenged. However, if the council is going to rely upon statements and <br />allegations set forth by Mr. Dillerud, that it may be acceptable if Mr. Sivertson wants to <br />use his 15 minutes to challenge the credibility of Mr. Dillerud. <br />Attorney Sivertson explained Mr. Dillerud comes before this body suggesting that Mr. <br />Buckles has acted inappropriately. Each one of those basis for that allegation can be <br />refuted. For example, the evaluation of Mr. Buckles by Ms. Kueffner was done after he <br />had reported improprieties in Lake Elmo. That was an action of retaliation. What Mr. <br />Dillerud hasn't pointed out to City Council is his own past. That past has to do with a <br />criminal background of involving sexual abuse of a minor and is a registered sex <br />offender. You have an acting city administrator attacking my client, and he has no <br />credibility to do this because he comes before the city and he has not disclosed his own <br />past and is working in location next to a grade school and a day care center. <br />City Attorney Miller stated that it is up to the council as to whether or not they want to <br />allow Mr. Sivertson to continue in that direction. Mayor Hunt stated that he has heard <br />Mr. Dillerud stated there were four separate supervisors that have had negative <br />comments. Mayor Hunt said that he did not know if Mr. Sivertson was doing his client <br />any good because clearly these issues are being addressed and have documentation. <br />Attorney Sivertson said you have to look at the motivating force behind each allegation. <br />The four supervisors that Mr. Dillerud is suggesting were having problems with Buckles <br />were directly involved in some of the illegalities.... Mike Bouthilet smoking marijuana <br />on city premises, the administrator of the maintenance dept. allowing city equipment <br />being utilized by people who are not city employees, utilized equipment by himself, <br />instructing employees to hide hazardous material so inspectors could not find it, and <br />numerous examples of illegalities in the City. <br />Mayor Hunt asked Mr. Sivertson if he was raising the above allegations asking the city <br />that they have been proven. Attorney Sivertson responded that obviously the whistle <br />blower action is ongoing. Mayor Hunt cautioned that slander is something that even can <br />occur at a public meeting such as this. If you are saying that someone is guilty of <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 2003 <br />