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something, and there is nothing that can prove it, it is slanderous. Attorney Sivertson said <br />what he is doing is making the allegation as alleged in the complaint. The motion before <br />you is to terminate my client. There is no credibility backing up that recommendation. It <br />is another act of retaliation. And then you look at the background of Mr. Dillerud and his <br />investigation of the e-mail from Mr. Bouthilet, there is no credibility because he himself <br />is not forthright. Mayor Hunt explained there is nothing on the table concerning an e- <br />mail. Mr. Sivertson said this is one of the bases for Dillerud terminating his client is the <br />alleged confrontation between Buckles and Bouthilet with Mike Bouthilet sending an e- <br />mail to Buckles that is threatening. Mr. Sivertson said the City should have the <br />documentation of allegations here and handed out info. <br />Mayor Hunt stated as requested we have heard from Mr. Buckles attorney concerning this <br />action and asked what the city attorneys recommendation for any action from the council. <br />City Attorney Miller stated at this point Mr. Buckles has responded in respect to the items <br />and that the Council should entertain a motion whether to accept or reject the <br />recommendation of the Acting Administrator based on Findings of Fact laid out to <br />support action by the Acting City Administrator based on the documentation and <br />comments he has provided. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — for the City to permanently terminate Michael Buckles from City <br />Employment effective at the close of business on March 28, 2003, as recommended by <br />the Acting City Administrator and the findings of fact incorporated by the memo from <br />Mr. Dillerud dated March 20, 2003 and based on the documentation and comments of the <br />Acting City Administrator provided at the March 27, 2003 meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Mike Buckles thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve the city and handed in his <br />keys. <br />3. Madden Report/Administrator Kueffner <br />According to the Acting Administrator, Ms. Kueffner had requested a hearing, was <br />notified of this meeting, but she was not in attendance. Mayor Hunt noted the Council <br />expects to receive the Madden Report by April 15 and asked the Council if it would like <br />to continue Ms. Kueffner's paid leave of absence until the Madden Report has been <br />received or until she can make alternate arrangements for her Hearing. <br />Council member DeLapp explained the fact that Ms. Kueffner chose not to respond, that <br />this issue has nothing to do with her termination, and he would approve the termination <br />date of March 28tn <br />Council member Dunn wanted to reinstate Mary Iueffner as a full time employee of <br />Lake Elmo, perhaps as a Special Projects Coordinator, because she is a valued asset to <br />the city and really cares about the city. <br />MIS Dunn/Johnston - to immediately reinstate Mary Kueffner as a full time employee as <br />a Special Projects coordinator at the present salary <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 2003 4 <br />