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04-01-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-01-03 CCM
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Council member Siedow said he would stand by the termination of Ms. Kueffner as City <br />Administrator. He said the way it came about by a special meeting called by the <br />Prosecuting attorney still disturbs him. He said the Council did not terminate Ms. <br />Kueffner because of her job performance, but because of criminal wrongdoing which was <br />what the meeting was called for. He said he didn't feel Ms. Kueffner should be working <br />for the City as a City Administrator or for that salary. He would support her coming to <br />work for the City, but in a different capacity with a drafted job description and a <br />comparable salary. Also, the Council has not come up with a termination package <br />Council member DeLapp stated we have a good staff that is working well under the <br />circumstances, and he didn't want them thrown into chaos. <br />Mayor Hunt said he would not support the motion because Ms. Kueffner is not here, that <br />she has the right to address the Council, and should be given that opportunity. <br />Council member Johnston explained he believed that Mary Kueffner has done a lot for <br />the city in the past 19 years. He said he has watched over the past years Mr. DeLapp <br />repeatedly trying to get Mary fired. He said he has watched Mr. DeLapp try to avert the <br />hiring process for his own political purposes with the finance director. He said that Mr. <br />DeLapp was receiving input on a regular basis from the finance director and only <br />reported rumors and innuendoes to the public and to the City Council. In his view, <br />Council member Johnston stated there is a long term, well established pattern by Mr. <br />DeLapp to terminate Ms. Kueffner despite her good performance. The meeting on <br />December 19u was called to discuss an ongoing criminal investigation. That criminal <br />investigation has always been referred to as a personnel investigation. The meeting was <br />called as an emergency meeting, and he thinks there is serious question as to the <br />justification for that being an emergency closed meeting. There have been a number of <br />statements that Ms. Kueffner was let go because of her performance, but based on the <br />council minutes and Mr. Siedow's comments, it was a result of this criminal <br />investigation. Council member Johnston said he thought this was wrong and Ms. <br />Kueffner should continue to serve in the city in another capacity. <br />Council member DeLapp responded that he is one Council member that supports the <br />comprehensive plan, as he is required to do, and encourages people to invite change if it <br />is appropriate for the benefit of the city. He said he has serious doubts of Mr. Johnston's <br />willingness to work on behalf of the City. <br />Council member Dunn said she is the one that came up with the special projects term <br />based on things Mary could work on, such as the code recodifrcation, she was extremely <br />well organized for the Environmental Committee and was a champion of starting <br />recycling program in Lake Elmo and is knowledgeable of the workings and background <br />of the City. <br />M/S/F Dunn/Johnston — to call the question. (Motion failed 2-3) <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 2003 <br />
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