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S. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Escrow Reduction: Little Bluestem at the Fields <br />In his April 7, 2003 letter, Tom Prew recommends reduction of the Plat security for the <br />Little Bluestem townhouse project to reflect infrastructure work that has been completed <br />and inspected. The original security amount of $153,665 was reduced to $78,125. The <br />City Engineer recommends that the City's security be further reduced to $43,125. The <br />City Administrative Fee for this project was paid in full prior to plat release. <br />M/S/P Dwm/DeLapp — to reduce the Development Agreement security for the Little <br />Bluestem at Fields (LC #6872-1202-DI) from $78,125 to $43,125, based on the report <br />and recommendation of the City Engineer of April 7, 2003. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Award of 2003 Street Crack Sealing and Seal Coating Contracts <br />The City received bids for 2003 street crack sealing responsive to the City Engineer's <br />plans and solicitation on April 4, 2003. The low bid was received from Northwest <br />Asphalt Maintenance, Inc.; and, the City Engineer recommends awarding the contract to <br />that firm in the amount of $6,828. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 2003-032 awarding the 2003 crack <br />sealing contract to Northwest Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. as the lowest responsible bid in <br />the amount of $6,828. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />The City opened bids for the 2003 Seal Coating project on April 4, 2003 responsive to <br />the City Engineer's plans and bid solicitation. The City Engineer recommended <br />awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Allied Blacktop Co., Inc. in an <br />amount of $128,835. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 2003-033 awarding the 2003 seal <br />coating contact to Allied Blacktop Co„ Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder in the <br />amount of $128,835. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Hill Trail North Street Improvement Project <br />The City Engineer and Acting Administrator revisited the Hill Trail and 501h Street <br />Improvement Project. The City considered doing an overlay project on the streets a few <br />years ago, but the residents were not in favor of the project. The Council asked that the <br />project be reviewed closer. Tom Prew explained that a cost estimate was developed for <br />doing a complete reconstruction and also performing a less costly reclaim and overlay. I1 <br />was determined that a simple overlay would not adequately address the street or drainage <br />problems in this area. <br />Scott Renne, appraiser, looked at the neighborhood to see how much the property values <br />would increase as a result of an improvement project. His estimate was $2,500 per site. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 2003 6 <br />