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Our current assessment rate is $1,198.00 for properties in this neighborhood. The <br />assessment policy would need to be modified in order to assess the project at the higher <br />rate. <br />The Council will schedule a meeting with the residents to discuss milling and complete <br />reconstruction projects. The two assessment options will be discussed. The City Engineer <br />will collect the issues and summarize some of the drainage issues. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — for the Council and City Engineer to hold an Open House to <br />review with the residents the proposed assessment and reconstruction options for the Hill <br />Trail Project on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 from 5:30 to 7 pm. at city hall. (Motion passed <br />4-0.) <br />D. Highlands Trail Mound System <br />Mayor Hunt noted that he was alerted of the alarm going off on the mound system at <br />Highlands Trail and sewage bubbling out. Mike Bouthilet responded that last fall it was a <br />control issue and the alarm was disabled. The homeowners are aware the City does know <br />about the problem. The Acting Administrator will have Jim McNamara check out the <br />system. The Council will receive a report from staff on this issue. <br />E. Klondike Avenue Street Sign <br />A large Klondike Avenue street sign has been erected on State Highway 5 — facing the <br />westbound traffic. A similar sign for eastbound traffic has been in place for some time. <br />These signs are installed by MnDot. Council member Dunn indicated she left a message <br />with Dick Arnebeck, MnDot, regarding removing the new westbound Klondike Avenue <br />street sign, but leave the eastbound sign in place. Klondike Avenue is a dirt road and <br />serves a limited number of houses. The City wants to minimize the signs and this is <br />outside the safety project corridor. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to request that MnDot removed the new westbound Klondike <br />Avenue Street sign because Klondike Avenue is a dirt road and serves a limited number <br />of houses. The City wants to minimize signs, and this sign is outside the safety project <br />corridor. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Moratorium for the Old Village Area <br />Mayor Hunt explained it is the City's intention to coordinate the development around the <br />Old Village area and not to have piecemeal development. In order to accomplish a more <br />urban area with houses closer together and businesses mixed, the City needs to have a <br />master plan that would map out stormwater ponding, constructive wetland treatment <br />systems or similar, and future roads. Hunt stated we have no intent to allow development <br />in the Old Village that is not connected to City water. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 2003 7 <br />