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B. Update on Fire Dept. Activities: Chief Malmquist <br />I IA. Cell Phone Reimbursement — Fire Chief (This item was moved to be discussed <br />earlier on the agenda). <br />Fire Chief Malmquist reported the City is paying $25.00 a month for part of his cell <br />phone. He said the call volume on his phone has steadily increased, and he has had to <br />increase his minutes plan several times. In his opinion one-half of his cell phone usage is <br />used for the Fire Department. He requested that an adjustment be made to $45.00 a <br />month, which is half of his current plan. <br />M/S/F Siedow /Dunn - to approve the increase of the Fire Chief's cell phone monthly <br />allowance from $25 to $45 for the balance of this year. (Motion failed 1-3:Dunn, <br />DeLapp, Johnston: they preferred this request be addressed during the budget season for <br />the next fiscal year rather than mid -budget.) <br />The Fire Chief reported that as of June 1st the Fire Department will not be responding to <br />Class A calls ... least severe, but only for Class C, D and E Calls. He will track the <br />number of calls and see how much money the department is saving. <br />C. Update on Building Dept. Activities: Jim McNamara; Update on Bodziak <br />PropertX <br />The Building Official reported that in the month of April there were three new residential <br />permits and five new commercial permits. <br />Update on Complaints: <br />Bodzialc House — Jim McNamara indicated he did try to talk to the owners, but if anyone <br />was home, they were not answering the door. There is no work activity. Mr. McNamara <br />indicated he has not received a response from Attorney Shoeberg. <br />Attorney Filla indicated the City does not have the authority to condemn the Bodziak <br />home. The Bodzialc building is not complete, but may not be determine as a hazardous <br />building. The City has a choice to get a court order to force them to comply with city <br />regulations which is an expensive process. Sometime the criminal process works, but in <br />this case it didn't work. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to add this item to the June 3`a Council agenda and request the <br />Acting Administrator contact Attorney Shoeberg to provide the Council with background <br />information, historical data, options on how to proceed with cost estimate for these <br />options. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2003 <br />