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C. Whistling Valley <br />Council member DeLapp noted that the developer of Whistling Valley stated they would <br />meet the road width requirements and would give Washington County additional right- <br />of-way along 10"' Street and asked what the road width would be; and, did the City <br />require right-of-way. Planner Dillerud reported the street width proposed is 22 feet. <br />Dillerud stated he didn't want Washington County dictating to the City the need for <br />additional right-of-way. In this case, he didn't mind because the land taken is the land <br />north of Goose Lake which is water. Council member Dunn asked that the staff be more <br />aware of long range street plans of the County. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />D. Conceal and Carry Gun Law <br />The Council received information on the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of <br />2003, "Conceal -and -Carry Law" and what it means for cities. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to direct the staff to restrict hand gun possession of staff members <br />to the limit of the law in the Personnel Policy and add the same restriction for people that <br />use the park facilities. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Fire Chief Cell Phone Service (Agenda Item addressed under 7B.) <br />B. Update on Library Service <br />Acting Administrator Dillerud reported he and Council member Johnston met with the <br />Washington County Library Board members. The Library Board is interested in a future <br />building depending on the Old Village Design study. The Library Board will provide the <br />City Council at its June 17th meeting a specific proposal for what they would like to do <br />for an interim library location. The library will be temporarily out of service until that <br />home is found. From a budget standpoint, the Library Board cannot maintain costs for <br />library service. The Board is asking the City for help of $15-$20,000 per year. <br />C. City Administrator <br />Acting Administrator Dillerud provided some web marketing materials from two <br />executive search firms that specialize in government work-Brimeyer Group, Inc. and the <br />Public Administration Associates, LLC. Dillerud said he didn't believe a formal RFP <br />would be necessary, but interviewing firms before hiring would be. The firms would be <br />requested to outline the services they would provide, and a not to exceed fee. <br />Council member Johnston requested a meeting of the Human Resource Committee of the <br />Council one week from tonight, May 27th. Council member DeLapp asked what the <br />agenda would be for the meeting and noted the Council hired the Springsted firm to work <br />on staffing. Council member Johnston asked the Council to think outside the box and <br />posed the question, "Why can't we have a City Administrator position combined with a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2003 <br />