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09-02-03 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-02-03 CCM
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B. Building Dept: Update on Building Activities — Jim McNamara <br />The Building Official reported there were six new residential permits issued for the <br />month of July. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Septic at 7550 50 Street N. - Conroy <br />The Council tabled this matter from the August 5 meeting to accommodate research by <br />the City Engineer regarding the property owner's on -site septic replacement options; and <br />the general feasibility of an off -site "201 type" system. <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, reported he met with the property owner and reviewed the <br />building site. The house was built in 1990 and the septic system was placed in an area <br />that was partially filled with poor soils. The remainder of the lot was filled and is not <br />suitable for a drainfield. The homeowner is currently having problems with the system <br />during the spring thaw and during heavy rains. In his judgment, the City engineer thought <br />the properties on either side of this property maybe in the same situation; and, any <br />solution should include some thought about these properties as well. <br />The property owner had two site evaluations done in order to locate an area for a <br />replacement system. Options available include: <br />Location of a drainfield off -site. The City Engineer was not aware of any city - <br />owned property in this part of the city. The homeowner (or the City) would need <br />to acquire private property in which to place a drainfield. Soil is better on some <br />of the large lots behind the property. <br />2. Connection to the City of Oakdale's sanitary sewer system. There is a sewer pipe <br />on Helmo Avenue about 100 feet from 50th Street. The property owner (or the <br />City) may need a lift pump in order to reach it. The city engineer of Oakdale said <br />there would not be a problem for this property owner to hook up to City of <br />Oakdale's sewer. <br />Council member Johnston voiced his concern that once they let sewer into the city sets a <br />precedent for others to request sewer. There are several properties that could be <br />subdivided if they request sewer from Oakdale. <br />Attorney Filla responded this is not a legal question. By allowing one system you do not <br />create any legal problems that you don't already have. Filla added that because you <br />extend this sewer for this property owner, it would not set a precedent as long as you <br />describe why it is not binding on future requests, even if you encounter the same <br />conditions. Filla stated this neighborhood could request to be annexed to Oakdale. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2003 <br />
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