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Council members Johnston and DeLapp suggested asking our Met Council attorney if <br />there is any problem with a Lake Elmo property owner connecting to the Oakdale sewer, <br />and if not go ahead. Council member Dunn stated the intent is not to permit subdividing, <br />but to help with a failing system. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to direct the staff to proceed with a Joint Powers Agreement <br />with Oakdale for hookup of the Conroy home to the Oakdale/Metro sanitary sewer; and <br />direct the City Engineer to get an estimate cost, if there is no problem expressed by <br />Attorney Nowlin. If there is a potential problem, set this as an agenda item for <br />September 2"d. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />B. 201 System Connection Request: Rover Johnson, 8048 Hill Trail <br />On August 5 the Council tabled a request by Roger Johnson to have a pipe installed under <br />Hill Trail as a part to the street reconstruction project that would enable his residence <br />across the street from the "Remote C" 201 system to connect to that system at such time <br />as his on -site system fails. Staff reported that the Johnson on -site system has not failed <br />yet. The Council had previously requested a report from the City Engineer as to the <br />existing capacity of Remote C; and, the feasibility of expanding the capacity of Remote <br />C. <br />Tom Prew reported the drainfield was designed for 600 gallons per day or one 3-bedroom <br />house. A few years ago, a second home was added to this drainfield. He reported that, <br />while the present system is at capacity, there appears to be room on -site to expand this <br />treatment system. Prew noted that in the past the Council has allowed connections to the <br />201 system for properties where the septic system was failing, and there was not another <br />location on the property to build a new system. If the future connection was allowed, <br />Prew recommended a $3,900 system connection charge as part of the approval, and that <br />the 201 drain field is expanded to prevent overloading. Prew added that it would cost <br />$1000 to place this pipe under the street. <br />The Acting Administrator recommended that the pipe and installation be an expense of <br />the Sewer Enterprise Fund so that it is clear that the access to the Remote C 201 System <br />is available to any property east of Hill Trail with a future failed ISTS, and no on -site <br />option for wastewater treatment. <br />Council member Dunn stated Mr. Johnson doesn't have a problem with his septic system <br />now. It is just esthetics for his driveway. Mr. Johnson should look for room to replace it <br />on his own property. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Siedow - to direct the City Engineer to modify the Hill Trail street plans <br />to include a sewer pipe under Hill Trail for future potential access to the Remote C <br />System, at a cost of $1000 to be taken out of the Sewer Enterprise Fund. There is no <br />guarantee that the City will expand Remote C; and, the City will demand on -site <br />upgrades before considering access to Remote C. (Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp stated the <br />financing is not proper.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2003 4 <br />