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C. Carriage Station Tot Lot <br />Park Superintendent, Mike Bouthilet, reported that he has worked with the City Engineer <br />to develop an alternative approach to the Carriage Station tot lot project — which was <br />rejected for 2003 total construction due to high costs. <br />Mr. Prew reported on a scaled down plan to accomplish two goals: <br />1. Get the project at least started in 2003. This will provide some time for turf to <br />establish. <br />2. Get the street sweepings moved off of the land that the City now leases. <br />Essentially those sweepings are all the remains on the leased parcel. With that <br />material removed (and used for fill at the Carriage Station tot lot site), the City <br />will no longer need the lease space. <br />Prew reported there was no quorum at the August 18th parks meeting. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to begin work on an alternate project approach for Carriage <br />Station tot lot as presented in Tom Prew's letter on August 14, 2003. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING <br />A. CUP Amendments Country Sun/Bergmann <br />The City Planner reported at its meeting of August 11, 2003, the Planning Commission <br />adopted a recommendation to approve an amendment to the existing CUP for Country <br />Sun Farm to add an incidental and subordinate use of the sale of carnival and snack foods <br />and beverages. The approval recommendation is subject to conditions related to <br />establishing a quantitative base line for the additional use; fix the seasonal nature of the <br />use; and, to control parking within the State Highway 36 right of way. A companion <br />application by Mr. Bergmann to rearrange property lines on the contiguous 50 acres <br />under single owner was tabled pending a correction to the Hearing Notice. <br />Council member DeLapp suggested that if the owner were going to be given additional <br />rights on his CUP that the city should require that in turn the owner improve the visual <br />character of the CUP by landscape screening from TH36, which is required of other Ag <br />CUP holders. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 2003-070, approving an amendment to <br />the CUP of Country Sun Farm/Bergmann to include the sale of food and beverages, as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission and subject to conditions. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the legal description for the CUP has to be amended. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2003 <br />