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B. Resolution No. 2003-101, Final Payment for Eagle Point Blvd I <br />Resolution No. 2003-102 Final Payment for Eagle Pint Blvd II to Tower <br />Asphalt — The City Engineer requested removal of this agenda item. <br />5. FINANCE: <br />A. Resolution No. 2003-103, Approve Claims <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 2003-103, A Resolution Approving <br />Claim Numbers 178, 179, DD76 through DD83, 24857 through 24891, were used for <br />Staff, Fire & Council payroll dated December 11, 2003 and Claim Numbers 24892 <br />through 25028 in the total amount of $295,467.36. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />6. NEW BUSINESS: <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Building Dept: Update on Activities <br />The Building Official reported there was one new residential building permit issued in <br />November. <br />Parks Supervisor, Mike Bouthilet introduced the new Heavy Equipment Operator, G.T. <br />Magnuson. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />The City Engineer reported the signed right -of -entry permission forms are coming in for <br />drainage purposes in the Hill Trail/50a' Street Reconstruction project. <br />9. <br />A. <br />Reed, 8056 Hill Trail <br />At its December 8, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a <br />variance to OHW setback standard that will permit the existing home that is marginally <br />non -conforming to those standards to be enlarged by the addition of an attached garage. <br />No additional OHW encroachment would result. The Public Hearing was conducted on <br />November 21 at which time the applicant had also required a side yard set back variance <br />from the R-1 standard of 10 feet. Since it appeared the Commission would recommend <br />denial of this second variance the applicant requested the application to be tabled for <br />redesign to eliminate the need for the side yard set back variance. <br />Council members DeLapp and Johnston noted based on the site plan submitted the <br />proposed driveway did not meet the five foot setback standard from the north property <br />line, and they did not believe the design of the driveway would enable cars to get into the <br />garage. The applicant was not in attendance to respond. Attorney Filla suggested the <br />Council could table this and continue for 60 days so the applicant can provide a site plan <br />at scale with the driveway corrected on the lot. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to table the variance request by Jeff Reed until the applicant <br />provides a corrected detailed site plan. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />LAI{E ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 2003 2 <br />