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B. Wildflower Shores — Amend Landscape Plan, Accept Public <br />Improvements and Release <br />The City Engineer certified that the public improvements constructed in the Wildflower <br />Shores neighborhood are completed. The applicant has submitted a revised landscape <br />plan that modifies wetland features of the site in keeping with DNR directions and adjusts <br />interior trail design at one location. The City Planner indicated the DNR has decided not <br />to accept some of the wetland bankings on the site. The ntunerous trees that died in the <br />outlots have been replaced by the developer. Staff is working with Wildflower regarding <br />additional tree plantings in the outlot that go beyond that of the approved landscape plan. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to accept the public improvements of Wildflower Shores; and, <br />to release Travelers Insurance Bond 37SBI03318163 verified by the recommendation of <br />staff and the City Engineer. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Old Village Plan Traffic Model/Analysis Recommendations <br />On October 21 the Council tabled the Old Village Plan and directed investigation of the <br />potential physical impacts of the draft plan that the Planning Commission has <br />recommended. The City had already contracted TKDA to complete surface water <br />planning and public water system planning earlier this year —including the Old Village <br />Area in both cases. That work is being paid for from the respective Enterprise Funds. <br />On October 21 the Council authorized a contract with North American Wetland <br />Engineering to design and price the wastewater component of the draft Old Village Plan. <br />The Planner indicated the only significant physical impact that should be quantified at <br />this point is traffic, and he provided a proposal from TKDA to undertake the traffic <br />modeling and analysis. The fee proposed of $18,700 would be paid from the Tax <br />Abatement Reserve Account. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to authorize the Mayor and Acting City Administrator to enter <br />into a contract on behalf of the City with TKDA in the not -to -exceed amount of $18,700 <br />for the completion of traffic modeling and analysis of the Draft Old Village Plan and the <br />fees would be taken out of the Tax Abatement Reserve Account. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />Attorney Filla reported the Discovery was due on the Hidden Bay property this week. <br />The Building Official has taken photographs on the alleged hazardous building on 37`h <br />Street. <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Recommendation on Heavy Equipment Operator <br />Based on application data, reference checks and personal interviews, staff recommended <br />the City hire Gerald T. Magnuson (GT) as a Heavy Equipment Operator. Mr. Magnuson <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 2003 <br />