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MINUTES OF, THE I,AKE EI;MO VILLA(=E COUNCIL MEIsTING MARCH 20, 1973 <br />Meeting; called to order at 5:10PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman,Aber+crombie,Watson,Shervhei.m,Friedrich,.Park &. Mehsikomer. <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh;Bldg. Insp.Mueller & Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Council received a report that the business district sign for Lake Elmo <br />that used to be located on Hwy 12 as you approached Washington Cty 17 <br />had been removed.Clerk instructed to write to Mr. Merritt of the Minn. <br />Hwy Dept., requesting that these signs be reinstalled.. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie that 1.0ouncil will enforce <br />the regulations that apply to advertising signs located in the Village of <br />Lake Elmo;2.That Special Use Permits be required for all advertising signs <br />presently in existance in the village;3.Fees for signs will be 'based on <br />value as set forth in the state building code;4.Make no exceptions other <br />than to accept the recommendation of the PZC togovern the land along I 94 <br />according to the commercial code rather than code for the property as <br />presently zoned;5.We would adhere to the State Hwy. Regulation as it per- <br />tained to frequency of signs; license fee be established at <br />$25.00. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Meeting recessed at 6:30PM reconvened at 7:30PM. <br />Dennis Gonyea advised that because his property was still under title to <br />Russ Morgan he was not aware of the hearing on the proposed road in Sec- <br />tion 32. He reconfirmed that his firm was in favor of the road and that <br />property required for the road would be made available for dedication to <br />the village. ffe commented that some of -the residents in the area would <br />have some hardship but that he felt the road was still in the best int- <br />erest of the entire community. <br />Park Study Committee made a presentation to the council and all present <br />regarding the progress of that group, and recommendations that they had <br />formulated regarding the park system for the village. Motion by C.Sherv- <br />heim 2nd by C..Watson that we the village council commend the Park Study <br />Committee for their efforts to date and request that they continue their <br />efforts in this matter. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Park Study Committee was invited to return at the council meeting of <br />April 17,1973 at which time fiscal advisor Jame Olson would be asked to <br />attend to go over the possible courses of action open on acquisition of <br />the park land. Time on agenda 8:OOP'1VI. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Friedrich -that the minutes of the March. <br />6,1973 meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 5--0. <br />Discussion with engineer regarding the extension of Washington Cty. 17 <br />across 212 to make point of access and egress for Conrad Adams. Engineer <br />will write Mr. Adams and advise action that is required before he can <br />proceed. <br />Clerk advised that he had received an acknowledgement from Cimarron that <br />they could not take any action regarding the installation of an unauthorized <br />structure in the Cimarron facility. Council requested counsel to check <br />j matter out as Cimarron is fully aware of what improvements are permitted <br />and that they are obligated to administer these regulations. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to authorize clerk to pay <br />the bills. Carried 5-0. <br />