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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 2O91973 pg.2 <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson that the Village of Lake Elmo pro- <br />ceed with plans for a new North to South roadway in Section 32 commencing <br />at 194 and extending to Washington Cty 70. Motion was amended to approve <br />proceeding providing the State of Minnesota goes ahead with their plans <br />for letting of bids in June for the development of I 94- commencing in 1973. <br />A roll call vote showed all members of the council voting in favor of <br />motion with none opposed. Carried 5-0. <br />Mr. & Mrs., Tingstad appeared relative to a variance on property in Lane's <br />Demontreville Country Club. They own 120' of frontage but it is split <br />into -two pieces, one of 40' and another of 80' separated by a 40' median <br />owned by anither individual. Bldg. Insp. Mueller pointed out that a <br />water system and a sceptic system could not be installed on this property <br />in accordance with state code. It was also noted that approval for a <br />permit from the Valley Branch Watershed District had not been received. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim that request for a variance be <br />denied. Carried 5--0. Mr.Houck atty from the Collins Agency represented <br />Mr. Lang, owner of the property, was on hand and spoke in behalf of Lang <br />and Tingstad. <br />C.Watson offered Resolution R 73 7 regarding Iiwy Dept. Proposal and asked <br />for its approval. 2nd by C.Shervhe5.m. Carried 5-0. <br />C.Watson offered Resolution R 73 8 authorizing attorney to proceed with <br />acquisiton of property for roadway described in R 73 7 and asked for its <br />approval. 2nd by C.Friedrich. Carried 5-0. <br />George Hedges advised that the Valley Branch Watershed District was still <br />holding action on petition of village tring to determine if village was <br />authorized to make request. Engineer to .review plan for emergency re- <br />moval of excess water and submit letter to Valley Branch Watershed Dist. <br />and Dept. of. Natural 'Resources asking for their approval. <br />Engineer reported on the study of water levels in Goose .Lake. Department <br />of Natural Resources was also checking the water level. No current action <br />required other than to keep an eye on the level of the water. <br />Petition has been submitted by 12 of the 14 residents in Section 32 <br />requesting; construction of sanitary sewers to service their needs. Village <br />engineer is currently studying the sewer problem as it applies in this <br />area. <br />Buliding Inspector instructed to examine the 3 homes that were moved on <br />the Haase property last year and determine the condition of homes. If they <br />are not ok they should be reported to counsel and he will direct a letter <br />to Mr.. Haase requesting corrective action. <br />Request for a truck to be located in Cimarron on April 14,1973 for a <br />boy scout cleanup. Clerk instructed to arrange for a carton of plastic <br />bags to be supplied for this cleanup session. <br />C.Friedrich advised to proceed with swale along Legion St. as long as <br />cost is within 1'0% of the quotation received last year. <br />C.Shervheim advised that the water fountain donated by the Lions club <br />should be installed at the ball.field as soon as possible. Arrangements <br />will be made for service and a hydrant to the ball -field are. <br />