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03-06-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-06-73 CCM
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MINUTES OF LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 6,1973 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:45PM by Mayor Brockman, <br />Present:Brookman,Abercrombie,Watson,Shervheim,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomer, <br />Also present:Counsel Raleigh,Enginser Bonestroo & Bldg, Insp, Mueller, <br />Motion by C,Shervheim 2nd by C,Abercrombie that .minutes of the February 20,1973 <br />meeting be.approved as submitted. Carried 5-0. <br />William Parks addressed the council and advised that he was involved in a scout <br />jamboree that would be taking place at the Washington County Fair Grounds on May 405 & 6, <br />He requested that the village make available a method of disposing of the excess refuge <br />which might result from 1500 campers, Council agreed that it would supply some method <br />of disposal. Further suggestions were that village put up a sign welcome to Lake Elmo, <br />It was suggested that possibly the Lions might make this available, <br />William Wacker spoke on behalf of the Fire Department asking for the use of the street <br />area in front of the fire hall for a street dance on June 29,1973 from 8;30PM to <br />12:30AM, They would be nerving 3.2 beer and setups and food. Matter was turned over to <br />counsel to see if any problems existed. Counsel to report back at the next meeting, <br />Charles Weinke presented a petition to the council asking that the street now having <br />different identification at each end of the street be renamed to its original name; <br />specifically that portion of 45th St, North which is adjacent to Lake Jane and starts <br />where it connects with Lake Jane Trail and'.runs to where it intersects with Lake Jane <br />Road, Eighteen of twenty homeowners on this street signed the petition. Based an the <br />reasons stated in -the petition 404atson moved and C,Abercrombie seconded that the name <br />of the road from Ideal to Lake Jane Road now known as Lake Jane Trail and 45th St, N. <br />be known only as Lake Jane Trail. Carried 5-0. Clerk advised to relay this information <br />j to the county surveyors office. Counsel advised that this matter should be handled as <br />A RESOLUTION and a copy of this will have to be forwarded on to the surveyor. <br />Council on a motion from C,Abercrombie 2nd by C,Shervheim approved the expenditure of <br />up to $600.00 to send two members of the fire department to fire school scheduled for <br />early this summer. Fire chief to determine who will attend, Carried 5-0. <br />A new contract for police protection with the Washington County Sheriffs office was <br />received. Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim to allow mayor and clerk to ex- <br />ecute contract if it met with counsel®s approval Carried 5-01 <br />Council has received an Invitation to hold one of its meetings at the Cimarron Com- <br />munity building, Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that the council accept the <br />Invitation and schedule the meeting of April 3,1973 to be held at Cimarron. Carried 5/0, <br />Clerk to notify Tom Backstrom so that necessary arrangements can be made. <br />Motion by C,Watson 2nd by C,Abercrombie that the council approve the installation of <br />tfi-ethvve additional 175 watt mercury lamps In tablyn park according to the study <br />and recommendation made by Mr, Frank Graham of NSP, Cost of the three lamps Is 3.95 ea. <br />Carried 5-01 Clerk to advise NSP to proceed with installation and also to send a <br />letter to, Mr. F.Graham informing him.of the need for service in the Pebble Park area <br />for lights and for a pump that will be Installed this spring, <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C,Abercrombie authorizing payment of bills for the montP <br />of February. Carried 5-0. <br />
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