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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE: COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY. MARCH 6,1973 pg.2 <br />NSP has proposed a 9" high pressure gas main through the Village of Lake Elmo (map <br />on file in clerk's office). Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie to approve the <br />installation subject to approval of whatever legal action that may be involved, <br />carried 5-.0. <br />Carl. Rudeen and several of his neighbors asked the council if they could be serviced <br />by -the sewer system in section 32 and what it would cost. Council requested the <br />citizens involved and interested -to submit a petition asking for service. Motion by <br />C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie authorizing Bonestroo to proceed with a preliminary <br />engineering study to determine the best method of serving this area, Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson to advise Watershed District that the Kennedy <br />incident has brought to our attention that they control the flood plain and lakeshore <br />area and polution control is dependent on their judgement. It is up to them to screen <br />the request and make recommendations. Carried 5-0. Clerk to send copy of ordinance. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim authorizing counsel to initiate legal proceed- <br />ings against Mr. Landra for failing to comply with council order and being in vio- <br />lation of village ordinance, Carried 5-0. <br />Steve Herwitz of the Minnesota Highway Dept, spoke in behalf of Mr. Ray Salus. A <br />g6ick take order ordering Mr. Salus to move out of his home by May 15,1973 was issued <br />by the state. Mr. Salus would. like to set up a. temporary mobile unit to be attached <br />to the electrical and the sewer facilities presently on the property at 4014 Lake <br />Elmo Blvcd. N. Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson to approve the issuance of a <br />Special Use Permit for a mobile home at this address to expire November 15,1973. <br />Mr. Salus mobile home must comply with all the requirements for a mobile home trailer <br />of the state building code. Carried 5-0, <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to approve the Special Use Permit for <br />a swimming pool for Mrs. Ludwig subject to all the requirements as to overhead <br />wiring, non climbable fence etc. Carried 5-0. <br />Next meeting March 20,1973 to start at 5100PM, <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to,, appoint Mr, Jack Zi.gnego -to serve <br />out the unexpired term of Mr, Fran Pott on the PZC, Carried. 5-0. <br />Letter received from John Raisenen advising that he is forced. to resign from the <br />PZC as he is moving from the village. Clerk instructed ti) issue a letter of apprecia- <br />tion for time spent in service to his community. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson to adjourn at 10;20PM. Carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />