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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COTJNCIL MEETING APRIL 3, 1973 pg.l <br />Meeting called to order at 7-.30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman'Abercrombie,Watson,Shervheim$FriedrichgDark & Mehsikomer., <br />Also present:Counsel Raleigh;Engineer Bonestroo & B1dg.Insp. Mueller. <br />Meeting was held at the activity center at Cimarron and Mr. Tom Backstrom <br />welcomed the council and said, that he hoped: that this may be the first of <br />many meetings that could be held at his facility. <br />Mayor Brookman addressed the more than 50 citizens in attendance and ex- <br />pressed pleasure in having been invited to hold the meeting at Cimarron.. <br />Mayor advised that the first 30 - 45 minutes would be set aside to discuss <br />problems of mutual interest between the residents of Cimarron and the <br />Village. <br />Tom Backstrom advised that the storeage area for golf carts was inadequate <br />' and they proposed an addition adjacent to the swimming pool for this pur- <br />pose. Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by.C.Watson to approve the concept but <br />that final approval would be determined by -the building Inspector based on <br />the addition being constructed according to code.. Carried 5-0. <br />Tom Backstrom advised that the Movilla on lot 39 has been used for storeage <br />of materials including siding and that it is beginning to. overflow. Tom <br />requested permission to move the storeage to an area Worth of the present <br />sewage plant building. :Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie to <br />approve .request. Carried 5-0. <br />Discussion regarding the patrolling of dogs in the Village. Mr. Rolland <br />Yaddeau of B&E Patrol was on hand to answer questions. It was pointed out <br />that during February B&E patrolled 10 hours in the village some of which <br />was in Cimarron. It was agreed that two tours a. month would be made of the <br />Cimarron area. One should. be scheduled for a: Friday the other at random. <br />Above action covered in a motion by C.Watson with a 2nd by C.Shervheim. <br />The motion carried 5-0. <br />C.Abercr.ombie explained the current police protection set-up c _ <br />available in the village. He advised that the original police study com- <br />mittee has been reactivated and that they will be checking to see if the <br />present coverage is adequate at this time or'if it can be increased or <br />changed. Provisions were made in budgeting to allow for an increase of <br />coverage if it is deemed necessary. <br />Conrad Adams and his Counsel Bernard Litman appeared relative to the pro- <br />posed building and walkway in the area Southwest of the Lake Elmo Element- <br />ary School. No action was taken on their proposal except to refer them to <br />the village engineer. <br />George Hedges reported on the present status of the Village Petition to <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District. He plans to meet with this group on <br />April 12, 1973 at 8:OOPM and asked for someone from the village to support <br />him by being present. Mayor Brookman & C..Watson will try to attend. <br />Walter Witzel asked about the possibility of building of a light indust- <br />rial buildin on .lots 5&6 (50' x 1001) which lie immediately West of the <br />Wendt Dist.arshouse.The proposed building is a 32' x 88' metal pole bldg. <br />Design is by Lampertlumber. Bldg. Insp;advised that for his business it <br />would require a fireproof typ building.. Butler does make one of this type <br />or he could go to a concrete bldg. with steel joices and a flat roof. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie that village would go on record <br />as approving the concept providing the bldg. meets all the required codes. <br />Motion carried 5-0. It was pointed out that the plans would have to be <br />signed by a registered engineer. <br />