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04-03-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-03-73 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAG7t7 COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 39 1973 pg.2 <br />Mr. Kenneth Kamb of Cimarron asked the council for permission to add a <br />screened -in area to his resid&nce. He was advised that the original agree•- <br />ment with Pemtom did not allow for any special structures. The council <br />recommended that Mr. Backstrom review these requests and that he should <br />make a formal request for such structures and present several alternative <br />plans for the council to,review. Mr. Backstrom should be added to council <br />agenda on the 17th of April at 8:30PM to discuss this matter. <br />Carl Olinger and Joe Moris advised that they wanted a permit to build on <br />Olinger lake frontage on bake Jane Trail North. This area is low and is in <br />the floodpl.ain area. Matter to be referred to Valley Branch Watershed Dist. <br />for a dedieion on buildability of lot and amount of fill allowed. Council <br />advised them that this group met on April 12 and recommended that they con- <br />tact Maynard Eder to get on the agenda. <br />C.Shervheim and the wage committee had submitted a proposed plan to the <br />counil at the .last meeting for study. C.Shervheim moved and C.Friedrich <br />seconded approval of this plan with the determination of sick leave accum- <br />ulated to be base on a starting date of January 1, 1971. Motion carried <br />5-0. Clerk instructed to determine accumulation based on employment records. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich to approve payment of bills <br />submitted. garri.ed 5-0. <br />Minutes of March 20 meeting amended as follows: Page 2 lst paragraph should <br />reference Resolution # R 73 5; Seobnd-!paragrkph�:p.age 3 that the expendit- <br />ures were not firmed up but were recommendations. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to approve minutes of the March <br />26t1973 meeting as amended. Motion carried 5-0.. <br />Complaints of motorcycles in Pebble Park were to be referred to •the Park <br />Study Committee for their action. <br />i <br />B1dg.,Insp. Mueller advised on the condition of the three homes thafi had <br />been moved on to the Haase property. A letter informing Mr. I3aase that lie <br />has 30 days to remove or destroy the houses was sent by counsel. Council <br />requested counsel to send a copy of that letter to Dayton Hudson Company <br />since they are acquiring the Haase property. <br />Mayor. Brockman advised that 3 clean-up days have been established for this <br />spring. April 14, 1973 trailer facilities will be available at Cimarron <br />from 8:OOAM until. Noon. May 50 973 trailer will be parked next to the <br />fire hall from 8:00AM until. Noon, and finally on May 26,1973 the trailer <br />will be located at Pebble Park duringthe same hours. Residents may bring <br />their waste other than tires to any of these locations on the designated <br />dates. <br />Clerk advised that the Washington County Assessors office has set the date <br />for the Lake Elmo Board of Review to hear complaints on Real Estate Assessment <br />Date is June 5,1973 Time from 1:00 to 4:OOPM Location Council chambers. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Friedrich to approve request to have county <br />planner prepare a base village map at a cost not to exceed $200.00. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />Councilman Shervheim excused at 10:30PM. <br />Village clerk toy send letter to county commissioners and county surveyor <br />requesting that they prepare i section drawings of the Vil.. of Lake Elmo. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Friedrich to approve the Special: Use Permit <br />for Mr. Salus for a mobile home as per the recommendations of the PZC with <br />a termination date of Oct.1, 1974. Carried 4-0. <br />
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