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06-12-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-12-73 CCM
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June 12, 7 973 <br />1,11_rnates of Ilea.ring Regardi ng "ramping Water frorn Lake Jane <br />Hearing opened at 7:01 P.1% by 11a;-or Brookman. <br />Present: Brookrnan,llbercrombi.e,'?atson,Shervheim, ?r,edrich,Fark and iehsikomer <br />from Council. <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh, Engineer Bonestroo, 91e.g,. TTnsp, i`iueller and over <br />56 concerned citizens, roost of whom were from the Tri-lakes area. <br />(See list on file for snec:ifi.c naves.) <br />Clerk read the notice of hearing and advised thnt it had rece ved the reouired <br />publication. <br />Clerk advised that no communications had been received by his office regardinp <br />pumping from Lake Jane. <br />Engineer explained background and advised that estimated costs were aonrox. <br />I16,620.. =equipment rental and. power "or &,) days 05,100. and around the clock <br />survoilance an additional ?11,520.. Cost for a lessor time period would be <br />reduced proportionately. See June 1, 1972 Letter to clerk for more detail. <br />Hayor asked for citizen comments. <br />Mr.__Dave P?organ - 1663 Birch Bark Trail. Lake Jane has not In the past 12 years <br />varied i.n level except as related to precinitation. I do not agree that there <br />is any hydrostatic pressure between various lakes in area which effect-'s lake level. <br />Otto Layer-- Berschens Pond not the answer. Water should be pumned to some other <br />location.� <br />Adolph Johnson--fi1F6S Lake Jane 'frail. C have li; acres in pending area, ';Thy wasn't <br />I consulted. Checking it was determined that Mr. Johnson is Located 1-Mff? of lake <br />whereas Pie proposed pumping area is ESE of lake. <br />�d.Stol-ne --PP81 Jane Road 'in. -Don't we need conservation dep't, approval? <br />Reply --,yes permit is required. <br />Dick Johnson -.- Valley Branch Tiatershed District is requesting more data. I <br />.feel this :is sound data and object to a y`}76,000. experiment with no guarantee of <br />desired results. <br />George fledges -- 4508 Birch Dark 'frail.-- Summarized his exn�,rierces since he <br />gaps resoons:ible for Village of Lake Elro petition to V91,I La'/e jape has risen <br />from 91P and at end of P'Ia.y �jas 921-' 4". LonF Lake TE of Tri-lakes overflow ncirt <br />is 937.5' and it ,s norm at 93°.7' and overflowing. The excess taater is r^aching <br />Lake l:emontrevi_1.1e and Lake Olson and they are *,•r•th_in I'T' of overflow. Moth <br />these lakes 'rose 6" in May. <br />I-`rs. Robert Bal.lsrud--Ph55 Deer ?lend Trail ';o. -- I don't believe there is <br />hydrostatic pressure 'involved here. <br />Elmer. Richert---9219 -45th. .a. "a.-- I have probably lived in I;he lake as long as <br />anyone present. In 1.923 the water eras as hi-Fh as it Is ncnr and according to old <br />ti.mers t• even hii-her before that. <br />Conrad ,.dams -- I have 1-ved on Lake Jane for 10 years. Rainfall is responsibl.ea <br />for water levelha,,re l hae seen Lake drop as much as 1P° during a dry season. I don't <br />approve soenciing money "or the pumping from Lake Jane. <br />Ers.-Ed. Slinde - Isn't there a building code regarding building on lalre shore <br />lo`.:s? is or advised that there is a r gelation and cotar.cilTaas revg , et=ri_nto eee 'f <br />it r•a3.., sl ict enouC;h. If this is a temporary rather than per.narert solution how often <br />w 11 it occur.. ReolY tre_> no one 1has a positive anst•aer. <br />continued_ <br />
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