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Meaning -- pumping Mter from Lake Jane <br />na,Fo 2- <br />Conrad Adams -- The lawsuit initiated in 1965 prevented a. proposed ditch; if <br />this had -VA Oorm:itted, lake Jane woulc1 oow have all the e rcess rater now in <br />Lake Olson and Lake Denrontrovi_lle. <br />Donald_ •'ioris--- 9759-45th. SU No. --- low big is 3erschens ''ond.? If they rdise <br />the level. over 2 - 3 ft. water will overflow into wooded area ann destroy trees. <br />Suguest some other plan be evaluated. new about Earle Point Lake? <br />Todd Vall:iaamms --3025 lake Elmo Sve. Va. -- `,To will. Pay for project? <br />Answer-- Benefited property owners. <br />Jerry Pelson -- 5565 St. CroAx Tra.i.l Soo Afton. -- 1 don't live on lake but I <br />own a -lot, will I pay. If project noes through and rot are determined to he a <br />benefited property owner, yes you *.rout d nay. <br />Jess Kottaz---7942 :Till Trail I live on Late Domontrevi7_l_e possibly residents <br />on Lake Olson and Lake Demontreville mall be considered benefited property owners. <br />I an disturbed because village is spendin.e money on this matter.. V.13 W.D. has <br />uvers outside the problem area they shoal' 5e required to get sonethinn done. <br />If individuals are hav'ng problems NM ,septic systems they are in violation a.nd <br />should be required to take corrective action, <br />Ed. Slinde--9385 -4th. St. Iio. ...- If t'srschens Dona is rased 1,t .3' �-aaa.77 <br />effect mysepticsystem. ',P:o Is, going to pay to tale care of my system :`_r this <br />occurs? <br />Scotty Lyall -- -- If this problem or hearing has done nothing else at least <br />it has brought all these people together because of a common problem; money. <br />Possibly now that all sides have been heard we can better get to a solution. <br />ilven though money is the prime interest now the future could bring a rove serious <br />problem. I am not saying it will, but it could and once that hanDens it may be <br />too late. We should make our presence known when the T11M meets on Thursday, <br />June 10, 1973 and make our feelings known. <br />Dick_ Johnson --- I don't feel. action for action sake is the proner thing. <br />hay*or 3rookrran --• The VT11D has advised that an additional study of the, whole <br />district is necessary and estimate cost is 134000. This would probably run into <br />objections from some areas. <br />Warren Lemav -- Lake Jane is Privately owned lake and has no nubl i c access. <br />Scotty Iy..11 -- I chal.len o tltiat, Recently I was confronted by a crane warden and <br />Lake Jane .s owned by the state. <br />Todd Wil_lianr -- '!hat, would be cost of test wells to detenvine if there eras <br />hydrostatic pressure. <br />nfi_neer Bonestroo -- Probably about Q1,000. lag loan to check this? About 2 weeks. <br />Ken Sovereign --4 15 Olson Lake Trail lip. Re: the r'r31.,000, for VB[.,TD study. They <br />won't do a.nythinunless they are a., essed, Council should do something even if :it <br />i.volvas the Village`ing a lawsuit. <br />Hearing adjourned by ' ayor 13rookman with the announcement that a decision *could be <br />given regarding Dale Jane at the June 19, 1973 Village Council meeting. <br />Adjourned at 030 P. T. <br />