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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING July 10,1973 pg.' <br />1 Meeting called to„order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman,Abercrombie,Watson,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomer. Absent:Shervheim <br />Alsp present:Bldg.Insp.Mueller,Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Counsel Raleigh introduced Phil Nicolai who was hired indirectly by the village to <br />codify all village ordinances. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C/Friedrich to accept the minutes of the June 19,1973 meeting <br />as submitted. Carried 4-0. C.Shervheim absent. <br />C.Watson presented Resolution R 73-26 ordering the Jamaca Court improvement and requested <br />council approval. Second by C. Friedrich. Passed unanimously by those present 4-0. <br />Council had discussion regarding the 33rd.Street Lane N. Question of whether to put in <br />complete improvement since watermain was not in the South or East part of the road. <br />C.Abercrombie presented Resolution R 73-27 limiting the project to laying down a 6" <br />road base with sealer applied. Approximate cost of assessment for this partial improve- <br />ment is�?$3,000. Second by C.Watson. Passed unanimously 4-0. <br />Counsel advised that election has been set up for August 14,1973 at Washington County <br />Fair Grounds for residents in the affected area to vote on annexation from Baytown to <br />the Village of Lake Elmo. Baytown is appealing the annexation and election may be <br />cancelled or delayed however the Village of Lake Elmo will proceed las if appeal is <br />rejected. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Friedrich authorizing clerk to pay claims that have <br />been received for the month of June. Carried 4-0. <br />Engineer recommended that council accept the low bid for the utility crossings of I94 <br />from A.J.Chromy Construction Company at $33,150.00. C.Abercrombie presented Resolution <br />R 73-28 accepting the low bid of A.J?Chromy Company and asked for council confirmation. <br />Second by C.Friedrich. Resolution carried unanimously 4-0. <br />Council reviewed the report from Twin City Testing regarding quality of water in the <br />Tri-lakes area. Village engineer staff will be surveying all known sceptic system <br />problems. Clerk to advise press if any residents have information they would like to <br />report on defective systems they can do so by calling Mr. Noyes (636-4600) of Bonestroo <br />Engineering. All calls will be handled on a confidential basis . <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie that engineer be given authority to continue <br />testing lake samples on a monthly basis until we get more conclusive information. <br />Carried 4-0. Next sample will be taken week of July 23,1973. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson to approve amending the Cimarron Special Use <br />Permit to include the installation of a 30' weather warning tower which will be activated <br />by the National Weather Service. Approval subject to the following: 1.Final OK of plan <br />by village engineer; 2.Location a minimum of 50' from lot 479; and 3.Installation of an <br />8' non climbable barrier all around the tower. Carried 4-0. <br />The G.Lundholms appeared relative to launching of boats on Lake Elmo. The launching <br />area is zoned residential and they maintain this is a commercial operation. Counsel <br />asked to research matter and report back to council by August 7,1973 meeting. <br />