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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING July 10,1973 pg.2 <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that meeting of council of July 17,1973 be re- <br />instated to include tour of proposed park land at 4:OOPM and a short business meeting <br />at 9:OOPM in Village Hall to discuss Helmo Ave. improvement. Carried 4-0. <br />Don Durand operator and owner of Pierre's Pier submitted application for a 3.2 ON -SALE <br />beer license. Objections were received verbally from Mrs.Lundholm and Mr.Tom Keller. <br />Counsel to research and report back at August 7,1973 meeting on what is required. <br />Mike Ferderer appeared regarding solution to water drainage problem at the North end of <br />8350 38th Ave.N. Estimated cost of engineer recommended solution is $3,400. Mike was <br />informed that cost of improvement would be his to bear and if he decided to go along <br />with it village would arrange for easement for drainage ditch. Mr. Ferderer said he <br />would check and determine what action he would like -taken ----- — - --- <br />Mr.Bradley and 34 individuals appeared relative to RAPP I-94. Most of those present were <br />sympathetic to RAPP I-94 objectives. Mike Finneman voiced his opinion of opposing this <br />group and in favor of I-94. After listening to presentation council advised that they <br />would take the matter under consideration. Request for an immediate decision met with <br />reply that council would give matter consideration. <br />Hammes Special Use Permit -Gravel Mining extended on a temporary basis until village <br />engineer has an opportunity to inspect area to determine compliance with terms of the <br />original permit. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie to extend moratorium on lake shore building for <br />additional 30 days (August 15,1973) to allow time for counsel and engineer to complete <br />Shoreland Management Ordinance. Carried 4-0l <br />Motion by .Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson to approve Special Use Permit for a 6,000 gal. <br />oil tank, above ground, immediately North of garage building of Brookman Motor Sales <br />Inc. at 11144 Stillwater Blvd. N. with no diking required. Motion carried 3-0 with <br />Mayor Brookman abstaining because of his relationship to request. <br />C.Watson presented Resolution R 73-25 authorizing condemnation of property for Minnehaha <br />-694 interchange at such a date as engineer determines that we must act. second by C. <br />Friedrich. Carried unanimously 4-0. <br />Clerk read letter from Joseph Moris Jr. denying the village the rights to pump any <br />water from Lake Jane onto his property. Since approval of all affected landowners was <br />a requirement of the motion to pump Lake Jane pumping could not be carried out. <br />Clerk reported that brush is being hauled to Pebble Park by unknown individuals. News <br />media to be advised that this is in violation of village regulations and anyone caught <br />dumping material on this location will be prosecuted. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by CFriedrich to approve expense of up to $350. for assessor <br />to attend annual assessors school in Minneapolis from August 20 thruAugust 24.1973. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie to adjourn at 11:23 PM. Carried 4-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lh WElmo, Minnesota <br />