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07-10-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-10-73 CCM
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There is ro nvop :a for t'^i-s meeting. <br />i'IIPNTES OF TIT" I AY2 EIi `O V_1SS 2GC COUNCTL MEITI'AP JUTI 24, 1973 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:10 P.N. by Mayor Drookman. <br />Present: Bookman, Abercrombie, Watson, Shervheim, "ark and.P°ebsikomer. <br />Absent: Friedrich <br />Also present -- Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Jm. Parksand Galen Smith who reside on 3tth and 39th. Streets No., complained <br />that traffic was using these roads improperly. They reauested traffic signs <br />indicating that these were not thru streets. Clerk instructed to arranne °or <br />posting of said signs. <br />Dick Huspek-- appraiser explained his report on property affected by the proposed. <br />Eelmo lve. improvement <br />Engineer explained that bids wore opened June 29 and we have until July 29th to <br />accept bids and make an award. 3ncineer reauested decision one may or the other. <br />Engineer gave a summary of the facts on costs as spelled out in. his July 16, 1973 <br />letter. Mr. C. Sigerud, Pd nresota iNY. Dept. advised that state would allow <br />easement to cross 1-94 property to get to ]Iwy. 12 if I94 doesn't go thru. <br />Maynard Eder expressed opposition to Helmo 4ve. <br />iT. Dreher expressed opposition to Helms Ave. <br />Jim VcClue,attorney, advised that his appraisal di_d not agree with that of Mr. Hospek. <br />QcClue appraisal by Lafond Co.). Damages are figured at 0)57,000„. If road approved, <br />would probably oppose on consti.totional grounds. <br />Engineer again explained reasons for location of road, in its proposed position, and, <br />also that aashington County and Oakdale bad both agreed with its location with future <br />construction to continue road North. <br />C. Shervhe_i_m presented Resolution R-73-29 requesting that the Village proceed with <br />award of bids to low bidder on Friday, July 27, 1973 provided that by that time clerk's <br />office has received written agreements from the owners of Gonyea and. IleCoster parcels <br />donating right-of-way and agreeing to turn over the award of 158,560. from the State <br />of Einnesota ror construction of the 12001 access road and provided the State of <br />Yinnesota files a letter with the clerk indicating agreement to nay award for that <br />purpose and asked council confirmation. Second by C. Watson. <br />The following voted in favor: Brockman, Abercrombie, Watson and. Shervheim. <br />Against-- none. C. Friedrich absent. Resolution carried. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim that we approve Special Use "ermit <br />for Lyle Slawson allowing a mobile home on the John Kleis farm subect to conditions <br />set forth by PZC in minutes of July 10, 1973 and also that appropriate sewage system <br />be installed. Carried 4-0. <br />Ploti on b- C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. T.1 tson to accent bid of low bidder, allied Blacktop <br />Co. at MOWN less bituminous surface for. 33rd. St. Lane `7o. which will be covered <br />by change order Q . F tion carried 4-0. <br />C. Watson submitted Resolution R-73-30 requesting that since letting of bids for I-9h <br />was withheld by State of :iinnesota. that Village of Lake Elmo reconsider the award for. <br />installation of Utility Crossings and cancel award. 2nd by C. Shervheim. Tn favor, <br />Brockman, Ab,rcrombie, ILatson and Shervheim. Against none. Absent, C. Friedrich. <br />C. `aatson --that a meeting has been requested by Da; ton-'-`udson Co. on .August 3, with <br />all possible from council and planning commission. C. Iltson will make arrangements <br />ard advise. <br />continued— <br />
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