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spelled out in 8-14-73 minutes of PZC. Inaddition ceramics studio to be finished on the <br />outside. Carried 5 - 0. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Watson authorizing clerk to pay submitted bills. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Motion by C. Watson second by C. Abercrombie to accept offer for village of Lake Elmo <br />to purchase sanitary landfill site from Washington County for $1.00. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson to adjourn at 10:08 p.m. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Mn. <br />