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HAASE-LAND Bldg. Insp. Mueller advised that he had completed inspection of the <br />REFURBISHMENT homesites and all 3 homes either removed or acceptably disposed <br />( AND HOUSE of and area cleaned up. MOTION by C. Watson second by C. Shervheim <br />REMOVAL: to authorize clerk to release deposit of Mr. Haase guaranteeing <br />completion of work. Carried 5 - 0. <br />METRO EAST: <br />Letter received from Metro East regarding questionaire on village <br />reaction to Metro East statement on growth of eastern suburbs. <br />Council ordered letter filed with observation that Metro East has <br />no jurisdiction over Village of Lake Elmo and if their assistance is <br />required we'll ask for it. <br />JOHN SKANEN: <br />Bergman property sold to John Skanen. No detail received by council <br />but rumor that he plans a riding acadamy. Approximately 400 yds. <br />of fill has been moved in without approval. This is potential <br />ponding area. Counsel directed to write letter explaining <br />situation. <br />DRAINAGE DITCH <br />MOTION by C. Watson second by C. Shervheim to instruct counsel to <br />3546-3582 <br />obtain adequate easements for drainage ditch between Lake Elmo <br />LAKE ELMO AVE.: <br />Heating and Egon Lohmanns and also authorize expenditure of <br />$400 - 500 to have the ditch cleaned out. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />TRAFFIC IN <br />C. Firedrich authorized to post the park area in Lake Elmo banning <br />PARK AREA: <br />use of motorized vehicles. <br />BUDGET MTG.: <br />Clerk requested and received approval for a special budget meeting. <br />Date set is Tues. Sept. 11, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lake Elmo <br />Village Hall. <br />PARK STUDY <br />The meeting of Sept. 18,1973 will include the park study committee. <br />COMMITTEE: <br />They will be on the agenda from 5 until 6:30 p.m. <br />PEBBLE PARK: <br />MOTION by C. Watson second by C. Shervheim to approve expenditure <br />necessary to complete the second ballfield at Pebble Park. Additional <br />personnel may be hired to complete project if neseccary. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />CLAIMS: <br />MOTION by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie authorizing clerk <br />to pay submitted claims. Carried 5 - 0. <br />UTILITY EXPENSE: <br />Engineer Bonestroo cautioned the council regarding park property <br />and payment of utility expense. Whenever property is taken for <br />village purposes the village has to pick up special levies for <br />utilities which would be estimated at $2 - 3,000 per acre. <br />DAYTON-HUDSON <br />Question raised as to whether Dayton -Hudson should arrange for their <br />WATER: <br />own water source or whether it should be done through village. <br />Definitely through Village. C. Watson and Engineer Bonestroo <br />to meet with George Hite of Dayton=Hudson and discuss in more detail. <br />SECTION 24 <br />MOTION by C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim instructing PZC <br />ROAD PLAN: <br />to make recommendation to council regarding the proposed road <br />plan for section 24. Carried 5 - 0. <br />