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d k� <br />Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting <br />Oct. 2, 1973 <br />Page 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brookman <br />Present: Brookman, Abercrombie, Watson, Shervheim, Friedrich, Park, and Mehsikomer <br />Others Present: Bldg. Insp. J. Mueller, Counsel D. RAleigh and Eng. Tom Noyes <br />Budget 1974: Discussion pros and cons of the reserve accounts as part of the budget. <br />Resolution R-73-33: C. Shervheim presented resolution R-73-33 establishing a budget <br />for 1974. Total budget is 214,500.00. $68,673.73 of this <br />amount to come from Local gov't aid $14,967.00 from miscellaneous <br />sources and $130,860.00 levied against real estate. C. WAtson <br />made the second. A roll call vote showed resolution passed <br />unanimously. <br />Dick Nelson Dick Nelson and Bob Hagstrom presented the details relative <br />Bldg. Permit: to qualifications for building required by new Shoreland <br />Ordinance to build on lots 866-71 and 781-89 Lanes-Demontreville <br />Country Club. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim to approve <br />building permit since the request met all the requirements of the <br />Shoreland Ordinance as reviewed by the building inspector. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Elmer Richert Elmer Richert submitted request to construct a utility bldg. <br />Bldg. Permit: PZC had recommended approval subject to 4 conditions spelled <br />out in their minutes for meeting of 9-24-73 <br />Motion by C. WAtson second by C. Shervheim to approve permit <br />since all conditions of PZC has or will be�met. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Use of Village Washington Immunization Clinic requested the use of the Village <br />Hall: Hall on October 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. <br />Permission granted. <br />Motion by C. Servheim second by C. Watson to give mayor the <br />authority to permit use of village hall by Immunization Clinic <br />anytime as long as it doesn't interfere with village use. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Minutes Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to approve <br />Approval: minutes of the September 18, 1973 as submitted. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Flood Insurance: Clerk advised that Mr. Lowell Guetzkow (725-7841) of U. S. <br />Geological Society called and is required by HUD to investigate <br />each flood insurance application. He requested some knowledgable <br />person show him the Lake Elmo trouble spots. Matter referred <br />to Otto Bonestroo thru Mr. Noyes. Request immediate meeting <br />since report must be submitted to HUD within 2 weeks. <br />Walkway Fence: Clerk asked if any arrangements had been made regarding installation <br />of fence on the east and north side of walkway. Reply - <br />negative. <br />