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11-20-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-20-73 CCM
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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting November 20, 1973 Page 1 <br />( Meeting called to order at 5:07 p.m. by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present: Brookman, Abercrombie, Shervheim, Friedrich and Mehsikomer at 5:07 <br />Watson and Park at 7:30 p.m. <br />Other present: Counsel Raleigh and Nicolai (5:07 p.m.) Bldg. Insp. Mueller (7:30 p.m.) <br />Engineer Bonestroo (9:00 p.m.) <br />Codification: Counsel again reviewed <br />codifying regulations. <br />or for removal to Mr. <br />at a later meeting. <br />preliminary copies of village manual <br />Changes were passed on for incorporation <br />Nocolai who will update plan for final review <br />Airplanes on Tom Keller appeared to voice his disapproval of Lake Elmo being used <br />Village Lakes: for amphibeous landings. Counsel advised that there had already <br />been one meeting by the Commissioner of Aeronautics and a second was <br />scheduled for December 18, 1973 at St. Paul Armory, C. Abercrombie <br />will attend next meeting along with Mr. Keller. <br />Dick Lambert Mr. Lambert requested information from council on how they want to <br />Pet Cemetery: handle trust fund. Mayor appointed C. Shervheim and Counsel Raleigh <br />to review and have a recommendation for Dec. 4, 1973 meeting. <br />December and Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Watson that only one meeting <br />January Mtgs: ec. 4, 1.973) be scheduled for December. Further that since first <br />6\ meeting in 1974 would fall on January 1 that the meetings be scheduled <br />for January 8 and January 22, 1974. <br />Northbrooke John Daubney and occupants of Northbrooke Farms appeared relative to <br />Farms: variance. Council advised them that a commitment had been made to <br />residents who had appeared opposing this facility and because of <br />short notice and addition to agenda Village office to send out <br />notification. Reschedule for Dec. 4, 1974 meeting at 8:30 p.m. and <br />send proper notices. <br />Minutes Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich to approve November 6, 1973 <br />Approval: minutes as submitted. Carried 5 - 0. <br />George Herbst: Discussion relative to variance for building permit. C. Watson stated <br />Bldg. Permit- that approval to split original lot by Mr. Panasow had been rejected. <br />Var. Crest Const. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie that building inspector <br />would meet with representative of Crest Construction to determine <br />if building, lot and facilities meet the necessary requirements. <br />Results of this meeting and PZC recommendation would be relayed to <br />council to consider at next meeting. <br />Carried 4 - 1 with C. Watson against <br />Thomas Lindbeck:Council reviewed minutes of PZC dated Nov. 12, 1973 relative to <br />Special Use hearing for a special use permit by Thomas Lindbeck. Motion by <br />( Permit: C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim to deny the request based <br />on recommendation of PZC and advise local police to enforce ordinance. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />
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