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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting January 22, 197fr Page 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Eder, Shervheim, Abercrombie, Watson, Pott and Mehsikomer. Park arrived at <br />7:30 p.m. <br />Also Present:Counsel Raleigh, Engineer Bonestroo and PZC member Lyons. <br />Wheels on Question was raised January 8, 1974 as to whether mobile homes in Cimarron were <br />Mobile required to have wheels attached. Counsel and engineer reported that as <br />Homes: long as provisions are made so wheels can be installed they do not have to <br />be attached. <br />Cimarron Engineer advised that he had been in touch with PCA regarding the letters on <br />Waste Treat- the Cimarron Waste Treatment Plant. The sludge area has been fenced in and <br />ment: should eliminate the complaint from Oakland Jr. High School. The plant problem <br />also has been corrected. <br />OSHA: Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson authorizing councilman in charge <br />of each department to expend funds necessary to comply with OSHA regulations <br />as spelled out in engineers letter dated January 22, 1974. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Park Name Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Pott approving a request for $25.00 as <br />Contest: first prize in thename the parks contest. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Per minutes of Park Advisory Committee the winner was Karen Madson <br />11060 32nd. St. N. Lake Elmo. <br />Crombie Pond:Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson that the Village of Lake Elmo go on <br />record as recommending that the (DNR) Department of Natural Resources purchase <br />Crombie Pond as a rearing pond and that counsel follow through on this. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Bike Trails: C. Swanson, County Engineer, requested information from all governing bodies <br />in WAshington County regarding proposed bike trails. C. Shervheim will <br />discuss this matter with Mr. Swanson. <br />Lake Elmo <br />Bldg. Supply:Building Inspector Mueller reported that he and Fire Chief Bjorkman had <br />inspected Lake Elmo Building Supply on Saturday - January 12, 1974. <br />The chip disposal still required a slight modification but should be okay. <br />The wood burning furnace in the basement level was in bad shape and a distinct <br />fire hazard. Furnace was not to be used under any conditions. <br />20th Century Motion by C. Watson second by C. Shervheim that Mr. Patti be instructed to <br />Homes-S.U.P: clean up premises at 11450 Hudson Road. Final inspection would be made by <br />Building Inspector Mueller. Upon approval S.U.P. would be issued incorporating <br />the provisions of the PZC as per their minutes of meeting held December 11, 1973. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Midwest Discussion regarding use to which Midwest Planning would be utilized. Basic <br />Planning: interest at this time is coordination on Dayton - Hudson project. Mayor <br />Eder will advise Midwest Planning of our needs for their services. <br />