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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting con't Ilyl Page 3 <br />Claims: Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson authorizing clerk to pay <br />claims 74001 through 74043 <br />Motion carried 4 - 0 <br />C. Pott abstained. <br />Battle Creek Clerk instructed to write letter to Mayor of St. Paul advising that the <br />Drainage: Village of Lake Elmo is in favor of a joint meeting of the governing <br />bodies involved in the Battle Creek Drainage problem. <br />Jan. 22,1974 Meeting will convene at 5:00 p.m. <br />..I; <br />PZC: Request was made to consider restructure of the PZC into two boards. <br />One would be a board of appeals and the other would devote its full <br />effort to planning problems. A committee of Fran Pott, Don Raleigh <br />and Bob Watson would meet to discuss and report back at next meeting. <br />Gib Swanson C. Abercrombie presented Resolution R74-1 approving Gilbert E. Swanson <br />Resolution Registered Land Survey with certain restrictions and asked for council <br />R-74-1: passage. Second by C. Shervheim. A vote of the council taken shows <br />all members in favor none against. Carried 5 - 0. <br />Local Fuel C. Pott presented Resolution R74-2 appointing Calvin Brookman to the <br />Coordination position of Local Fuel Coordinator and asked for council approval. <br />Resolution Second by C. Shervheim. A vote of council taken shows all members voted <br />R74-2: in favor none against. Carried 5 - 0. <br />R. Mordick Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to approve R. Mordick <br />Variance: Variance permitting change in property split to provide proper access <br />to the back half of lot. Carried 5 - 0. <br />Bldg. Insp. Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson approving expenditure of up <br />Conference: to 200.00 for bldg. inspector to attend conference at Radisson Hotel <br />January 14, 15, and 16, 1974. <br />Special 3.2 Motion to approve a special 3.2 license for the Oakdale Athletic Association <br />license for at the Lake Elmo VFW on Feb. 2, May 25, and Oct. 26, 1974 <br />Oakdale presented by C. Abercrombie second by C. Watson. <br />Athletic Assn. Carried 5 - 0. <br />Special Use All permits require approval each year - copies were distributed to council <br />Permits: and these will be taken up at the January 22, 1974 meeting. <br />Water System:Report from Dept. of Health gave the Lake Elmo System a rating of 94 <br />out of a possible 100. One way for improvement is additional training <br />of operator. Elmer Richert will be scheduled to attend the 1974 meeting. <br />Respectfully Submitted by: <br />Don Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />