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Page 2 <br />WH 1007 Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson to approve a WAste Haulers <br />Emil Oehrlein: License for Emil Oehrlein provided necessary proof of insurance and <br />license fee had been received. Carried 4 - 0. <br />Pemtom: Mr. Karl Hermann, Counsel for Pemtom, and Mike Ahrends, Manager of <br />Cimarron were on hand to discuss renewal of Special Use Permit. <br />Fred King, President of Cimarrons Home Owners Association was invited to <br />sit in on discussion. A number of questions were raised and Mr. Hermann <br />agreed to return to the February 19 meeting with additional information. <br />(Clerk to include in agenda.) <br />Some of the points raised were 1. Does.each mobile home have a fire <br />extinguisher as required in permit section 25 Ord. #32. 2. Who re- <br />presents Cimarron on any engineering problem; if more than one, <br />define breakdown. 3. What is being done on moisture problem? <br />4. Removal of unapproved individual garage structure. <br />Motion by C. Watson second by C. Shervheim to extend current term <br />of S.U.P. thru February 19, 1974 to allow Pemtom - Cimarron to answer <br />questions. Carried 4 - 0. <br />Karl Hermann was asked if Pemtom should pay an expense of checking out <br />their sewage disposal system because of an EPA letter. Mr. Hermann <br />agreed that this was their expense and Bonestroo Eng. should bill them <br />direct for this $60.00 charge. <br />The annual inspection fee as determined by counsel and treasurer is <br />$138.00. <br />Park Acquisition Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Watson authorizing notifying <br />L. Friedrich Lehart and Frances Friedrich of Village intent to acquire approx. <br />Property: 150 acres of their land for park at $2,000 per acre on the terms and <br />conditions recommended by C. Shervheim by exercise of eminent domain <br />if necessary and authorizing expenditure of $1,750.00 for the options <br />if Friedrichs are willing to enter into such an agreement. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Claims: Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Pott authorizing payment of claims <br />74058 thru 74085. Carried 4 - 0. <br />D. Lyons to Motion by C. WAtson second by C. Shervheim to authorize Planning <br />Planning Seminar fee of $25.00 for D. Lyons to attend Seminar at Lakewood <br />Seminar: Community College. Carried 4 - 0. <br />Load Limits: Motion by C. Pott second by C. Shervheim establishing spring load limits. <br />Dates to coinside with Washington County. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Lang -Lawsuit: Matter referred to counsel along with C. Watson and Mayor Eder to review <br />and make a recommendation. <br />Heating Mayor to contact R. Dornfeld and determine his status as it relates <br />Inspector: to heating inspector. <br />( Assessor- C. Shervheim presented Resolution R74-5 setting up a separate office <br />Clerk -Treasurer for assessor and a single office for the responsibilities of clerk - <br />Resolution R74-5:treasurer. Assessor salary established at $2400 and the clerk -treasurer <br />at $2600 effective January 1, 1973 and asked council confirmation. <br />Second by C. Watson. Resolution carried 4 - 0. <br />