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I <br />Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting April 160 1974 Page 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5;05 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Eder, Abercrombie, Pott, Shervheim (arrived 5:25p.m.) and <br />Mehsikomer. <br />Also Present: Bldg.-Insp. Mueller, Counsel Raleigh, Eng. Bonestroo <br />and PZC members Folz, Lyons and Williams. <br />Gale Pettee: 1227 Old Ridge Ave. N., West Lakeland requested use of village <br />property which formerly was location of East Oakdale Town Hall. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Pott to deny request to use <br />property since there is no ingress or egress except,across a public <br />sidewalk and use could result in encroachment on private property. <br />Carried 3 - 0. C. Shervheim <br />absent. Clerk instructed to send <br />letter of notification on council <br />decision. <br />Dog Control: C. Pott advised that letter to residents was completed. As soon <br />as new licenses are available program will be put into effect. <br />Village office will be open on Tuesday and-Thrusday evenings from <br />4:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m. through June 1, 1974 as a special accomodation. <br />Grader: C. Pott discussed potential purchase of used grader. Counsel RAleigh <br />explained purchase procedure. Engineer Bonestroo suggested that <br />Brad Lambert of his firm has written many specs on such equipment <br />and it was recommended that C. Pott work with Mr. Lambert. <br />Board of Review: Clerk advised that.norification has been. received from County <br />Assessor's Office that time and date of Board of Review is set as <br />June 4, 1974 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Village Hall. <br />Park. Option: Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim approving an <br />expenditure of $200 for option of 5 acres of land in Tablyn Park <br />from Top Twnety. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Resolution C. Shervheim offered Resolution R74-12 amending description of <br />R74-12: property in Resolution R-72-7, second by C. Pott, <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Parkland Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie authorizing <br />Appraisal: an expenditure of up to $750.00 for appraisal of Whitman and Reed <br />property currently included in park proposal. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Shafer Letter 4-10-74 requested village to consider selling 12,000 <br />Contracting: cubic yards gravel from Pebble Park. Engineer Bonestroo reviewed <br />and recommends we turn down offer as material will be required for <br />future development of Pebble Park. <br />