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Village of Lake Elmo Council Meeting Minutes April 16, 1974 Page 4 <br />Midwest Bruce Folz member PZC requested funds to utilize services of <br />Planning: Midwest Planning for 1974. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to authorize <br />expends ure of up to $2500.00 for work on comprehensive plan. <br />Council to receive monthly report of time and money spent <br />and progress. Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />194 Study <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by Mayor Eder to appoint former <br />Committee: <br />Coin Oman Robert Watson to serve on the 194 Study Committee <br />as the citizens representative because of his knowledge, <br />ability and interest in the project. <br />Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />PZC Appoint- <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to appoint <br />ment: <br />u3I`"'ane Grace to fill the vacancy on the PZC thru 1974, <br />created by resignation of C. King subject to Mr. Graces <br />acceptance. Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />Del Eder <br />4515 Julip Ave. N. requested Special Use Permit to install a <br />Special Use <br />42" fence around front and side of their property. (231 ft).. <br />Permit: <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Pott to approve requested <br />SUIT." Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />Claims: <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie authorizing <br />clerk to pay claims 74177 thru 74207. <br />Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />Water Testing: <br />Clerk to determine what the test requirements are on samples <br />of water from village system. <br />Norbert <br />PZC minutes of April 9, 1974 meeting request information on <br />Schiltgens: <br />Upper 33rd Lane North. This -road was originally dedicated <br />by N. Fodness for Mary Grobner and was accepted by Old Village <br />Council. <br />Road Review: <br />The engineer and members of the council will tour the village <br />roads on Saturday April 20, 1§74, starting at 10:00 a.m., <br />to determine extent of 1974 road project. <br />Safety Eng. in accordance with OSHA Regulations C. Abercrombie was appointed <br />OSHA Regulation: safety person for the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />Salary Committee:Mayor Eder appointed C. Pott as third member of salary committee <br />to replace C. WAtson. Cimmittee includes Abercrombie, Pott <br />and Shervheim with C. Shervheim as chairman. <br />Acting mayor: Motion by C. Pott second by C. Shervheim to name C. Abercrombie <br />as acting mayor in absence of mayor. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />