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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting May 21, 1974 Page 1 <br />Present: Shervheim, Pott and Brookman <br />Absent:, Eder and Abercrombie <br />Also Present: Engineer Bonestroo, Counsel Raleigh and PZC member Lyons <br />Meeting called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Acting Mayor Shervheim. <br />Codification: A number of changes were proposed. C. Pott and counsel to confer <br />and resolve changes. Codification to be scheduled early on the <br />agenda for June 4, 1974. <br />Sceptic Systems Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott that letter be sent to all <br />Tri-Lakes: home owners in Tri-lakes area who were advised they had a defective <br />sceptic system and had not taken corrective action giving them <br />30 days to correct. Letter to be sent out over counsel signature <br />and show that this is a second notice. Any defective systems <br />not previously reported would receive original letter. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Mayor Eder and Abercrombie absent. <br />Dog -Control: Clerk reported that letter sent to chief Martinson of Woodbury <br />Police Dept. suggesting that he discuss possible joint dog catcher <br />with Police Chief of Oakdale as Mayor Vogel had suggested to Mayor <br />Eder. <br />Park Bond Committee report that everything is on schedule. Clerk advised <br />Status: that absentee voters can make applications for ballots at Village <br />Office. Ballots will be picked up May 31, 1974 from printer. <br />Pebble Park Use of Pebble Park ballfield is to be scheduled through Village <br />Use: Office. <br />32nd St. Parking: Clerk read letters from residents on 32nd Street North objecting <br />to suggested restrictions in parking. 32nd St. North matter to be on <br />June 4, 1974 agenda. <br />Right of Way Engineer to make up drawing of two proposed profiles which will <br />Profile: be established as standard. C. Pott to work with engineer on these <br />profiles. <br />3M Acquisition: Council recommended that Mayor Eder get together with Mayor Vogel <br />of Oakdale and set up a joint meeting to discuss the 3M acquisition. <br />Mayor to determine who will attend, when will it be held and <br />where will it be held. <br />PZC Request: Bruce Folz asked for authorization to have aerial map referred <br />to in Midwest Planning report ($255) produced. <br />Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to approve $255 for aerial <br />maps. Carried 3 - 0. <br />Recess at 6:35 p.m. Reconvene at 7:30 p.m. <br />