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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council May 21, 1974 Page 2 <br />Approval Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to approve minutes of <br />Minutes: May 7, 1974 meeting as submitted. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Clerk -Treasurer: Motion by C. Pott second by C. Brookman to authorize clerk - <br />treasurer to legally invest surplus village funds originally <br />delegated to clerk and treasurer. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Tablyn Park: Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to approve option on <br />nine rather than five acres for park purposes from Top 20 in <br />Tablyn Park. Carried 3 - 0. <br />C. Graves Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to approve variance <br />Variance: to permit a 5' setback of garage rather than required 10' for <br />C. Graves at 10940 32nd St. North. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Park Acquisition: C. Brookman presented Resolution R74-15 regarding Village status <br />on park acquisition and asked council confirmation. Second by <br />C. Pott. Carried 3 - 0. <br />Mottaz Park Clerk read letter from J. Mottaz regarding suggestions on parks. <br />Letter: Council reaction was favorable but action will be withheld until <br />after Lake Elmo decides on bond issue. <br />Girls TP 3.2 Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott approving issuance of <br />License for 3.2 beer license for July 26, 27, and 28, 1974 at their Softball <br />Tournament: Tournament, Carried 3 - 0. <br />N.S.P. Water Council deferred to June 4, 1974 meeting any recommendation on use <br />Use: of one million gallons of water from Horseshoe Lake, Downs Lake <br />or other source to check pressure on proposed gas line. <br />Raleigh S.U.P. Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to approve a one year <br />temporary permit for Kieth Raleigh to place trailer on property <br />at 5193 Keats Ave. N. since letters were received from <br />neighbors with no objections. Carried 3 - 0. <br />Terry Horwath: Requested that village consider hiring him to check trees and catalog <br />Diseased Trees: diseased trees and follow through on compliance with state law. <br />Council decided that they should check with county and determine <br />what they are doing and will review at next meeting. <br />Midwest Planning: Motion by C. Pott second by C. Brookman for clerk to send letter to <br />Midwest Planning explaining that for the $2,500 expenditure <br />we expect all items complete except for final printing of comprehensive <br />plan. Carried 3 - 0. <br />Claims: Motion by C. Brookman second by C. Pott to pay claims 74240 <br />through 74259. Carried 3 - 0. <br />