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Minutes of Lake Elmo Council Meeting May 7, 1974 Page 2 <br />Park Bond C. Abercrombie offered Resolution R74-13 ordering referendum <br />Issue on proposed park 1974 bond issue. Second by C. Brookman Resolution <br />R-74-13: carried 4 - 0, C. Shervheim absent, <br />Lake Elmo Bldg. Insp, advised that he had issued a demolition order on the <br />Heights: old house on Lake Elmo Heights property. Mortgage holder stopped <br />any further demolition. Counsel instructed to draw up order <br />for action at next council meeting. Bldg. Insp. to confer with <br />Counsel as a couple of other buildings are in need of demolition. <br />White Adv: <br />White Adv. reconstructed a sign on Hwy. 12 which was damaged <br />by high winds. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Brookman ordering Counsel <br />to write White Adv. instructing them to remove sign and enjoin <br />them from installing new sign and also order removal of trash <br />left after illegal reconstruction. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Don Olson <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Brookman to issue Special <br />SUP: <br />Use Permit to Don Olson allowing construction of a 42" Chain <br />link fence on his property on Legion Ave. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />i <br />Home Rule <br />Mayor Eder turned meeting over to acting Mayor Abercrombie. <br />Charter: <br />Mayor Eder expressed his opinion of the Home Rule Charter and then <br />offered Motion to support petition to establish a charter <br />commission with the village council to participate in selection <br />of nominees to commission. Second by C. Shervheim. Each councilmen <br />expressed his views before vote was taken, Vote was 1 in favor <br />1 against and 3 abstentions. Aye - Mayor Eder, Naye C. Shervheim- <br />Motion failed. <br />Mr. Brandon and Mr. Hedges joined council table. After much <br />discussion regarding a charter commission or a study committee <br />it was agreed to come to the next meeting May 21, 1974 prepared <br />to offer names for either a study committee or a charter commission. <br />Tri-Lakes <br />Clerk instructed to include this on agenda for meeting May 21, 1974. <br />Sewer Report: <br />Claims: Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Brookman to authorize <br />clerk to pay claims 74207 thru 74239. Carried 5 - 0. <br />Gas Insp. Question raised as to whether or not Roy Dornfeld is still acting <br />as gas inspector. No claims filed in 1973 and thru April 1974. <br />Mayor Eder will resolve. <br />Beer License: 1, 3M r uests that license presently held be modified to include <br />distribu�on of beer from sports building located adjacent to new <br />ballfields. <br />